Chapter 49 : The Truth Hurts

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Later in the evening, Adrian arrived home. Even after informing his son about who his girlfriend was, he was not contented. He was angrier than ever thinking that Leon messed with Gage through his adopted daughter, knowing that they were studying in the same school.

Seeing his son crushed by the shocking truth was stuck in his mind. The pain the young man felt, the father felt a lot worse. Especially when that father was a crazed psycho.

So anyway, his wife saw him coming in from the living room, "where have you been?" she interrogated him since she knew he freaked out after discovering Oddey's real identity. However, he did not respond and just acted coldly toward her at first which worried Marie even more. "Adrian, answer me. Did you do something?"

The fuming man darted his eyes to her. "I had to break it to our son about his little girlfriend."


"He has to know, Marie."

"Oh, my God," the woman gasped. "He must be hurting right now."

"He is, and it's all Hal's fault!" Adrian was so furious that he took a small decor from the side table and just threw it on the floor. "He has gone too far."

"Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound?"

"This girl is lying to our son. You saw the files."

"Yes, I saw the files, and yes, I realized that Oddey is lying to our son, and I don't like it one bit. I just don't believe that Hal put her to this," Marie remarked.

"Yes, he can!" The man snapped. "He's out to get us, and he intended to get our son through his adopted daughter. They are going to pay for what they have done."

The wife felt disturbed by Adrian's thoughts about her ex-husband and his daughter. "Uhm... I'm going to call Gage. To check how he is doing right now."

Marie turned around as she headed upstairs to the bedroom and could not help but think something was not right with the man she married.


In the male's dorm room, Gage felt so heartbroken and angry towards his lying Juliet. He was so distraught that he had not said anything for a very long time.

He had his two best friends who were there for him in his times of trouble and just stared at him with sympathy.

"Forget about her," Courtney said to the poor fellow. "She's not even worth it."

The acting student smirked. She felt victorious, believing that luck was on her side that Oddey was exposed like that, and that she had a chance to have her crush all to herself.

"Court... That's not helping," Felix argued. He genuinely felt bad for his friend and what he was going through.

"No, she's right. I should have believed Courtney from the start," Gage interjected.

"Don't beat yourself too much, man."

"How can I not? The girl I loved lied to me and I fell for it." The Romeo grabbed a stapler from his desk and then threw it across the room out of anger. "Grrr!! I should have known."

"Gage, just chill."

"I loved her so much, you know." The Romeo began tearing up. Hearing those words felt like a punch in the gut to Courtney. "Now, I feel so stupid for trusting her, and I hate myself for it."

"Don't say that," his roommate told him.

"Yeah, if you're gonna hate anyone, hate that faker Oddey," the only female friend advised. "I knew that girl was nothing but fake the first time I saw her. Being all innocent, sweet, and pretty. Pfft... what a joke."

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