Chapter 39 : I Have A Boyfriend

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It was still awkward between the two because they hadn't been talking since they came into the auditorium. Oddey was with her crew to help out designing props, while Gage practiced his lines with Courtney by the audience seats until Madame Vestia called them to the stage.

Oddey tried to be patient since they were both too busy working yet at the same time, thinking of how she could approach the matter in the right way. She glanced towards her Romeo, being all happy with the actress playing Juliet.

As for Gage, he had the same struggle as to how he could openly have an honest conversation with his Juliet. In his heart, he loves her very much to think that she could betray him. However, in his mind, there were seeds of doubt, which Courtney was anticipating.

Both of them were avoiding each other, but they knew that they could not dodge it forever, especially when other people were starting to notice. "Are you and Gage having problems?" A member asked Oddey while they were working. "You two seem to be not talking."

Oddey could not answer that since she was not sure about their situation. "Uhm... he wants to focus on practicing the play in two months anyway," she replied.

"Yeah, that must be it." The member was not entirely convinced that was it.

About some hours after their time to practice ended with the Romeo did not even bother to at least acknowledge her first before leaving with Courtney. The hardworking art student decided to stay back, "Aren't you going yet?" an assistant director, Seth, said.

"No, I don't have classes anyway. I want to accomplish more work so we can finish in time and also plan some new designs," Oddey replied.

"By the way, not to pry and all, are you and Gage okay?" he questioned, which made the girl flustered. "You two seem...aloof lately since I know you two are a thing."

"We're fine," She claimed. "He's... been busy. You know how architect students are."

"Right. But I gotta hand it to you. You're so patient about everything. Knowing that your boyfriend is playing Romeo of all characters."

"I trust Gage no matter what."

"So true. Anyway, don't push too hard. I heard you've been doing all this since the weekend. You need rest too, you know," he told her.

"Don't worry, I won't."

"We can't afford to lose someone like you here."

"I'll be fine," the art student assured him.

"Great, I better go now. Remember, don't push too hard," Seth reminded her once more.

Once the assistant director left, Oddey resumed working until the evening. Painting more wooden planks and also sketching out intricate details on the walls of the backdrop. Lastly, she had to clean up the mess she did.

It made her exhausted, but she felt the work would be worth it anyway, and it took her almost an hour and a half to accomplish so many tasks at hand. "What a workout," Oddey panted as she wiped a sweat from her forehead. She became out of breath that she needed her inhaler but she then began to cough. "Okay, I guess that's enough for today."


Gage was early in his last class of the day that hadn't started yet, and he was the only one there until Felix came in. "Hey, man," he greeted as he sat next to him.

"Hey, Felix," Gage greeted back yet in a less enthusiastic tone.

"By the way, my movie is almost over in about a couple of weeks."

"Great. Can't wait to see it."

"Yeah, right. That's okay now that I have a girlfriend, I don't have to drag you and Courtney to watch it," His friend told him.

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