Chapter 35 : It Affects Me Too

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It was morning, very early in the morning. Gage was still asleep, and all of a sudden, "Dude," his roommate said, trying to wake him up and kept shaking him.

"Hmm... not now," the architect major grunted, then curled to his side away from Felix.

"Gage, it's important. You got to see this."

"Can't it wait?" The sleepyhead grumbled, feeling annoyed that his slumber had to be disturbed before the alarm on his phone made a sound.

"No!" Felix insisted and kept shaking him non-stop.

However, Gage was not in the mood to get up just yet, and he was getting aggravated from the unintended wake-up call. "If it's another Instagram post of an obese pug laying down on the floor looking like a bread loaf, I swear I will throw your phone out the window."

"It's not about that. You need to see this. It's about your Dad. He's in the news," Felix told him.

Gage instantly became wide awake as he peeled his eyes and turned to his friend. "What?!"

"Here." Felix showed him the video of the news on his phone where Leon described his father as a schemey man.

"Let me see that." The poor guy watched in horror that his man talked about his parents like that. "That bastard!"

"What the hell, Gage? Who is this hack? And why is dissing your folks like that?"

The architect student recognized the man since he was the man who checked out his model back in the expo. "Someone in my Dad's past."

A moment later, he called them. "Dad, what is going on?" Gage called his father to confront him about the scandal. "I watched the news. This man is saying pretty nasty stuff about you."

"It's nothing," Adrian told him. "It was just... a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding? Dad, he's saying you're the one that accused him of stealing and that it was a false accusation."

"I didn't accuse him of anything. I knew what he did. He's just getting back at me because of your mother."

"Dad, I don't understand. If everything is not true, why is he saying that he used to be married to Mom and that you stole her from him?" Gage questioned.

"Because he's a liar. He's just bitter that your mother chose me and not him," the father claimed.

"So he used to be married to Mom?"

"No, none of it is true. Listen to me, Gage, this man is after me for revenge."

"Dad, I'm getting worried. If that's the case, then you and Mom should be careful," the guy said to them with concern in his tone.

"Don't worry about us, we'll be fine. I brought him down before, I can bring him down once more," Adrian groaned.

"Alright, Dad, but are you sure that you and Mom are okay?"

"Yes, we will be. You just focus on your studies. I can handle this," His father assured him.

"If you say so, Dad. I'll check on you soon, and maybe come home this weekend." Gage put down the phone, then let out a heavy sigh as he dropped himself on his bed.

"Is everything alright? How are they? What did they say?" Felix asked. Even though he was in the room, he was not listening because he wore earphones the whole time his buddy was on the phone with his folks.

"Dad said that they're fine, but I don't think that's true," the worried guy answered. "Come on, let's just get ready for class."


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