Chapter 63 : Prevent or Protect

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Adrian was in hiding in a cabin outside the city since he was wanted after what he did to Oddey. After a heated phone call from his wife, who had shunned him, he was out for blood once again. Even from the looks of it, Gage was disgusted by him as well.

"This is all your fault, Hal," the evil man grunted. "Because of you, everything I worked for is gone. My career and my family. I have nothing to lose anymore, and I won't let you win. I will get you and your daughter. Just you wait."

He took a small knife from the dusty kitchen and then stabbed a portrait of Leon. Afterward, he laughed in a sinister way.


Three days passed, and it became worrisome. Three days felt like years when Oddey was still not awake, and loved ones were getting on edge, yet still hoping that she would come out from the deep sleep.

Leon had not been resting and just stayed in the hospital. Also, he had not been going to the office or at least worked for a while too to make designs for his elite clients. Nothing was more important than his daughter.

Although Eva took care of everything even though she was just as distraught over the girl that treated her like her own, after seeing the state of her fiance, she needed to be his rock.

The friends, Rita and Felix, could not visit since they had a lot to do for school. They were hoping that Oddey was already well, and everything was back to normal so they could hang out again. Being in the university was not the same anymore without their artsy pal tagging along with the couple.

Rita missed having her bestie and roommate with her. The dorm room just felt so big and very quiet. She missed going to the art room, chatting with Oddey about everything while she painted. The laughter and secrets they shared felt like they never happened.

Felix also missed having a dear friend like Oddey. A more reliable human being to be around than his two friends combine altogether. However, after confiding to Gage about their friendship towards one another, it had been improved. Still, in his books, Oddey was a better friend. He missed the support she gave towards anything, asking her for paint, and used her brush for his clays.

As for Gage, he could not stop looking at his phone to wait for Eva to text him. There were messages that he sent, asking any updates about his Juliet. There were responses, just not much of a news that Oddey was getting better. He still intended to see her in person. It just didn't seem possible after last time.

In class, and in practice, he kept checking for any notifications. Even a small vibration, he would take it out from his pocket, too, if it was from Eva. Nothing. No other news had appeared on his screen.

He would do that while also rehearsing in the auditorium. The theatre club people were saddened that their absentee that one of their members was in such a state. They knew that it was the Romeo's father was responsible, though good thing, they did not diss the Romeo himself for it.

Most of them missed Oddey, especially the set and prop designers. They loved working with her since she made work fun for them and admired how great of a leader she was to them without being bossy about it.

Then there was Madame Vestia. She had to look strong in front of the students because on the inside, she was also in pain that her favorite art major was not sick, but in a coma. The professor missed how passionate Oddey was in her field and how she loved to express her in her classes. It felt like the heart of the art studies, ripped off from them, and threw it in a cruel way.

Of course, the only person who did not miss her was Courtney. Hearing the members talking about Oddey annoyed her, and that includes her two friends. She did not know what was worse, the art student's existence, or being absent? Either way, it just sowed a seed of agitation in her.

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