Chapter 52 : Meet The Parents

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Back in CarmU, Gage was in the campus garden practicing some lines with Courtney, but he was struggling again because the aspiring actress kept criticizing the littlest details of his acting.

"Gage, come on, keep it together," she exasperated.

"Sorry," the guy responded. "I just have a lot in my mind right now."

Courtney did not buy that excuse, but she did not want to say it. "Like you're the only one," she mumbled under her breath.



"Today is the trial between my Dad against... you know," Gage said in a worried tone.

The friend became silent, and she felt like an insensitive jerk. "Oh, yeah... I forgot about that. Well, your Dad is going to be fine. What are you afraid of?" she asked. "I mean, it's all that faker's dad's fault anyway, not him."

"You're right. I guess there's nothing to worry about."

"Let's just take a break. I'm gonna go and buy a bottle of water in the canteen." The girl stood up and left for a moment.

Gage still was anxious as to what could go wrong in court. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted when he spotted his ex from the distance heading to a building. He just gawked at her, not out of resentment, but noticing how attractive she looked, wearing her midi floral dress with a red knitted sweater, and tied her hair into a messy bun that framed her face beautifully.

He instantly realized what he was doing, so he shook it off and knocked his head with his hand. However, it made him wonder about what Felix said about absence, which made the heart grow fonder. If it was true that you missed a person when they are not around you and you don't wonder about it.

"No, no, no, that's not it," He denied quietly to himself. "She's a liar. I'm not gonna fall for that again." Afterward, Gage tried to ignore that thinking by putting his nose back into the script.


The school day ended. The two girls met in the hallways and walked together after their last class of the day on a Friday. Oddey knew her father was in court, which was lingering in her mind all day, though she tried to focus on her school stuff as well.

"Felix invited me to meet his parents next weekend," her best friend said.

"That's great, but you don't seem happy," the art student replied.

"I am, I'm just nervous. What if they don't like me?"

"They haven't met you yet. It's gonna be okay. At least you and Felix are moving on in that level of the relationship while mine is fighting against Gage's in court."

Her best friend sympathized, and so was the Romeo who listening to them. "Yikes, how are you holding up? Are you still shaken about Gage snapping at you?"

"A little, but that's the least of my worries now," Oddey said as she seemed jittery.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I don't know, I can't shake off this feeling that something will happen."

"What do you mean?" Rita looked at her with concern.

"I'm more worried about my Dad. I feel like something bad is going to happen."

"Is it because Ga... 'his' Dad is there?"

"I don't want to say it, but yeah," the worried girl answered. "After what he did to mine, I'm feeling scared."

"They're in a courtroom, I'm sure Gage's dad won't dare to do anything funny."

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