Chapter 66 : You're Not Juliet

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Back in CarmU, the Romeo was walking on campus to get to his class. He didn't even get home the previous night. he just went straight to school from the hospital. There was a smile on his face after finally being allowed to be with Oddey and how she reacted from his presence while being in a coma.

Furthermore, Gage was on the phone with Eva because she wanted to tell him the good news. "She's awake?!" he exclaimed.

"Yes, she is," the woman confirmed.

"Too bad I wasn't there to see it."

"Don't be. We're just happy that she's finally out of the coma. Although... uhm..."


"I'm sorry, Gage, it's just that we have to break it to Odette that your father attempted to..." Eva told him. "And we haven't told her everything about last night."

"Oh, I get it," the architect student replied reluctantly. "But I can still see her?"

"You can, just not today. Give it a few days. The doctor advised not to overwhelm her first to help her recover better. She's already stressing out about missing school, and all."

Even though, the Romeo was upset that he was sort of refrained to be with Oddey again, he did want her to get well soon. "It's cool, I understand," he replied. "Besides, I have a lot to do anyway. Just let me know if I can, and I'll be there."

"Alright, I will. Thank you, Gage."

Later, he had lunch with his friends in the dorm room, updating them about what happened in the hospital and also the good news that followed. "She's awake!?" Rita exclaimed.

"Yes," the Romeo confirmed.

"I can't wait to see her. I miss my bestie so much."

"Yeah, me too," Felix said.

"This is so exciting. Four of us should have a double date after all this," the girl squeeled for joy.

"Four of us?" Suddenly, Courtney came in the room without knocking like she usually did. She heard part of the conversation. "Who's the other one? Me?"

The other three exchanged glances to one another. "We're actually talking about Oddey?" Rita corrected.

The actress became puzzled. "Her? In case you forgot, she and Gage are broken up because she's a liar," she reminded mockingly.

"Hey! don't call my bestie a liar."

"I'm just being honest."

Rita smirked. "Oh, okay, now that she's awake from the coma," she unraveled. She did that to avenge best friend. "Gage is planning to get back to her."

With that truth bomb, it was like Courtney was being splashed by cold bucket of water. "What?" she choked in horror. "That can't be true."

"Uhm... Court, it's true," Gage told her.

What was worse than having to hear that kind of truth from your own crush?

The lovelorn actress could not believe it and darted to her crush with this disbelief expression. "You're planning to get back with that faker?!"

"Call my Bestie a faker again, or I'll..." Rita was about to pounce at her, but her boyfriend blocked her way.

"Or what?" Courtney was about to do the same as well, but Gage held her back.

"Okay, okay, that's enough!" Gage scolded the two girls, then signaled Felix to get out for a while.

His roommate nodded. "Rita, let's go out and get iced-coffees from Usagi cafe."

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