Chapter 1

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This story contains descriptions of torture, murder, and sexual encounters.

"Bee," my president, Axle, said. I looked up from what I was doing. "End this. You're aunt is getting worse."

I nodded and grabbed my gun. "It's your lucky day fuckhead." I leveled the gun at the man that had been causing us trouble. I fired twice and killed him, ending his torture.

"Get cleaned up. We've got him," Axle said. I nodded and slid back into my kutte, running off for the clubhouse. I showered the blood off and pulled on clean jeans and a SAMNY hoodie. I was back on my bike headed for the hospital within 10 minutes. I knew right where her room was as she'd been in the hospital for weeks.

"Aunt Edith," I said as I entered the room. She must've been sleeping. I sat down on the edge of her bed.

She shifted a little and looked at me. "Cal?"

"Yeah, it's me," I said softly.

I held her hand as she closed her eyes. This wasn't happening. It couldn't be happening. I think it was hours later but it could've been minutes that my phone rang.

"Bee," I said as I answered it.

"Cal this is Sheriff Derrick," he said.

"What's going on?"

"Where are you?"

"At the hospital, my aunt is getting worse," I said.

"The clubhouse exploded."

"What?" I asked. This was not happening.

"I'm sorry Cal. No one survived. Based on the bikes we think you're the only member left."

"I just saw Axle," I said.

"Cal, it's four in the morning," he said. I'd arrived at the hospital five hours ago.

"No," I said. "This isn't fucking happening."

My aunt shift her hand over to me. I didn't even say goodbye as I hung up and turned to her.

"I love you," I said softly.

"Cal," she said. "It hurts."

"I know," I said. She closed her eyes and I knew she was dying. I called for the doctors and asked them to give her morphine. When they'd given it to her I let myself cry.

When she passed, I got up and stormed out. I knew she'd worked it out where everything for her passing was taken care of. I needed to see my clubhouse. I got there and couldn't even bring myself to stop. I went right back to my aunt's house and grabbed my go bag. I strapped it to my bike and took off west. I drove through the day, not stopping until I physically couldn't keep my eyes open.

I only stopped long enough to sleep. I'd left my phone in Niagara but I brought all the cash I had. I paid for the hotel room and slept for about five hours. I wanted to sleep longer but I couldn't. I got back on the road for California. I was hoping to make Charming soon. I'd ask to transfer to the mother charter. I'd met Jax a few times and he seemed like he'd accept given the circumstances.

I spent all of that day on the road and stopped once again just to sleep. I was exhausted but I still couldn't sleep. About two in the morning, I got up and showered. I looked like crap. I brushed my hair with my fingers and did a messy Dutch braid.

I laid back down until I saw the sun and I got up and back on the road.

I arrived in Charming that evening. It took me a bit to find the clubhouse and pull into the lot. I got off and put my helmet on the seat. I splashed some water from a bottle on my face and released my hair from the braid that was falling anyway.

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