Chapter 19

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"I'll call Bobby and Rane. Want Tacoma here too or just nomads?" I asked.

Jax went to protest about how I'm not SA anymore but Happy was processing emotions and we all know he didn't do that well.

"What about this asshole?" Tig asked.

"Kill him," Jax said.

"Killah you want it?" Tig asked.

Jax motioned me to follow him and I kissed Happy quickly before we headed out.

"Get Tac here. I'll round up our guys. We need to let every charter know."

"I've still got my contacts from when I was at SAMNY," I said. I started making calls, first to Bobby to cancel opening night and round up the Sons already there. Then I called Quinn. He was going to get the nomads here as soon as possible. I started in on making calls to every charter. Every SA I spoke to wanted to know why the calls were coming from me and not Happy.

I explained to every single one of them that he was handling some stuff and this was urgent.

By the time Tig and Happy disposed of the body out in the woods, Jax and I had finished phone calls and we all needed to carefully head back into town.

When we got to the compound it was alive with life. We were going to hide out here. We just needed church to figure out what the hell to do next.

"Bee," Jax said as we were walking in. "Thanks for jumping into action back there."

"You're welcome."

I turned to Hap and he just nodded once as he walked towards me. "I'm okay."

I didn't believe him but I knew this new threat took precedent. I nodded and we headed inside. Jax made an announcement and we immediately filed into church after. Jax filled them in on what we had learned in our interrogation.

"Bee?" Bobby asked. I looked at him. He had said my name solely for my attention. He was looking to see if the fire in me had been released. Some of it had, but this new threat sparked new fires all around my brain. My family was under attack and I was going to fight tooth and nail, til I died if need be, for my family to be safe. Like I couldn't do for SAMNY.

My heart rate picked up and I felt like I was starting to heat up. The fire in me was going to consume me. I heard more than I saw Happy get up and run to me.

"The clubhouse, when it blew up, it was this. Me. My bounty's more," I said.

"Breathe and give me all your thoughts baby, not just fragments." Happy was crouched in from of me, his hands on either of my arms.

"SAMNY, our clubhouse blew up with almost the whole charter. That's a mighty big payout. Now my bounty is bigger than everyone else's. I'm the common denominator."

I tensed and shoved Happy off me as I realized who it was paying all these people off. I so badly wanted it to be wrong.

"Bee?" Happy asked. I didn't responded. I stormed out and grabbed my phone, turning around and marching right back into church.

It rang a few times before he answered.

"I'm disappointed Calista," his voice rolled over my name and I wanted to strangle him through the phone.

"Call of the bounties," I said.

"I'm surprised it took you this long to pinpoint me," he said.

"Call them off and up mine," I said. "You're angry with me."

"Disappointed really. My appreciation of explosives and my name didn't even come up."

"Asshole, call them off. It's me your after," I spat the words. I was radiating anger. I knew the guys could tell.

"Say hello to Mommy for me," he said and the line went dead.

"Out of the clubhouse," I said. Everyone booked it, clearing the clubhouse, me included. We got everyone away just in time. The clubhouse exploded behind us right as Happy and I made it away.

Queen Bee || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now