Chapter 5

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I spent the next few days getting acclimated to Charming. Happy did my memorial tattoo and also did the tuneup on my bike. I guess he didn't trust Lowell to.

I spent some time with Jax and the rest of the guys, getting used to being around them and working with them. Jax and Happy even took me out to the escort and porn studios so I could see the businesses I was now involved in.

Lyla was very sweet and she had tried to get me to star in some of the movies which I laughed about and quickly shut down.

I was starting to feel at home around here. The guys were all very welcoming, but I figured that probably had more to do with my reputation than with me. Either that or they all wanted to fuck me.

Happy and I were getting extremely close as he'd allowed me to continue to stay with him in his dorm. It wasn't the best situation, the two of us living in such a small space independently. I was trying to find somewhere else to move in to, but Charming wasn't exactly known for its apartment complexes.

My not being a mechanic also complicated things. Our legit business in New York had been a bar. I was a great bartender and I could cook basic bar food pretty well. I brought the idea to Jax of opening a bar and he liked it. We were going to vote it the next time we had church.

In the meantime I was stuck working the office or helping out at Redwoody. Lyla preferred having me around since I didn't spend my time ogling her stars. She and I hit it off pretty well too and became fast friends. She offered to let me live in her guest room, but it would've been a little weird given her and Opies blended family. I wasn't sure I wanted to be around their three kids especially not with number four on the way.

Luckily, a couple weeks after moving to Charming I found a small house up for sale. I'd received my aunt's life insurance and figured I'd just buy myself the house with it. It was a cute little one story house with a couple of bedrooms, a big open space that functioned as a living room and a dining room, a pretty large kitchen, two full bathrooms. and a finished basement. I figured I'd turn an extra room or two into guest rooms for nomads or other visiting Sons.

Happy helped me get moved in and all the guys pitched in to help get furniture built. I ended up promising to make a family dinner. I guess Jax's mom used to do them, but she no longer did for some reason. I didn't mind doing it. I loved cooking and I was sure I could get some help in the kitchen from Lyla or someone.

Once I was moved in, everything seemed to fall into place finally. The bar vote had passed, so we bought a store front downtown and got the liquor license for it. I had the prospects in there helping me out as much as possible. Happy, Tig, and Chibs usually came down after their shifts in the garage were up and helped me out too. Most nights at least one of those three followed me home and ate dinner with me. I felt like I was making some serious friends out of my brothers here in Charming.

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