Chapter 30

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Over the next few months, the bar started to pick up. It was going well enough we were able to hire another bartender and I didn't have to actually work. That just meant I spent more time at the clubhouse doing club things. We were working on rebuilding still, but it was going smoothly. Juice was recovering well and was back to hanging out around the clubhouse and garage, even though he still couldn't ride. Quinn patched over to SAMCRO from Nomads and the Nomads officially disbanded.

We ended up bringing in the Eglee kid as a prospect, my first one here. He was doing well with the grunt work at the garage and bar. His sister was cool with him prospecting which was good news for us. His girlfriend wasn't thrilled with the life and he wasn't even in deep yet. He could still get out. She wouldn't make it if he did.

We didn't have too many more issues with other clubs or anything, which was nice. But with the club earning straight, I was starting to itch for a kill. Happy seemed to be doing better about it. He was good with a good fuck to release what he needed it to. I wasn't. Granted I'd been killing almost as long as him despite being significantly younger. Killing, especially killing for the club, was what I've always done.

Luckily for me, porn is a dirty industry.

I was at the bar about three months after it opened, when my phone rang. It was Lyla. We were still good friends so I knew she was at Redwoody.

"Hey Ly," I said, answering the call.

"Hey, Opie's here. He said to call you. There's this guy whose been harassing my girls."

"Okay, who is it?"

"His name's Brock. He runs Jerseys."

"Can I talk to Opie?" I asked. There was some noise on the other end before Opie's voice came through.

"What do you want me to do boss?"

"End him," he said.

"Understood," I said.

"Take the prospect," he said.

"He's only been-."

"I know how long he's been in the life. We're pulling him in more. This should weed him out if he needs weeding."


I ended the call and grabbed my keys and helmet. I hopped on my bike and took off for the lot.

"Jake," I called the second I parked my bike.

He ducked his head out of the garage.

"You're with me," I said. He nodded and grabbed some keys. I barely let him get on his bike before I was pulling out of the lot and heading to Redwoody.

There were several bikes outside when we pulled up. I parked in the row and headed inside. Happy, Jax, Opie, and Chibs we're all there already. None of them looked happy.

"Figured I'd get some intel," I said.

"He's based outta Lodi," Jax said. "Real fuckin prick."

"I'm gonna handle him. We know anything else?"

The guys all shook their heads.

"Alright. Then I guess recon for now. If I get the opportunity I'll end this. Where's Lyla?" I asked.

Opie nodded to the staging area and I walked over to her, placing my hand on her shoulder. She turned to me with a small smile.

"I'm gonna take care of this," I said softly.

She nodded and pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you."

I nodded and gave her a small smile. I turned and walked away back to the guys.

"Jake, let's go."

He looked between me and Jax.

"She's your sponsor."

Jax was giving him an out. He didn't have to come with me but he probably wouldn't be a prospect any more.

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