Chapter 4

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After a few celebratory shots, Happy led me back to the dorms.

"Hap this is your room," I said.

"I'll sleep on the couch," he said. He handed me the bag off the back of my bike.

"Tig had stolen it. Wanted to go through it," he said. "Chibs saved your ass and told me where he put it for ya."

"Thank god. Remind me to kick his ass tomorrow," I said. I grabbed some shorts and a sports bra and went into the bathroom. When I returned to the room, Happy had disappeared. I crawled into the bed and fell asleep pretty easily.

The next morning I was woken up with ponding on the door.

"Hap, Bee, we got a situation," Jax yelled. I got up and dressed as I hollered at Happy.

His eyes opened as I was pulling my shirt on so I'm sure he got a nice view of my body.

"We've got a thing," I said. He nodded and I grabbed my kutte and walked out. Sure enough, there were cops out front. Glad I didn't pick up my gun.

"They wanna speak with all of us. Guess there was a home invasion last night," Tig said.

"Okay, oh and stay out of my shit. I'm one of the guys so one you won't find anything you're gonna like in there and two I will kick your ass. Just steal lingerie from the crow eaters," I said. He didn't look too pleased that he'd been caught but I walked away before he could answer.

"Coffee?" I asked and Phil handed me a cup. I thanked him as Happy walked out of the dorms. He looked angry about being woken up.

"And you are?" One of the cops asked. "Redwood patches but I don't recognize you."

"Name's Bee," I said. "If I'm under arrest you can have the legal one. Just transferred here."


"Upstate New York," I said. "Working on finding a place so I can get to all the legal things ya know."

"Okay what's your legal name?" He asked.

"I'll tell you if I'm under arrest, but seeing as how you don't have probable cause, you can call me Bee."

"I'll arrest you for obstruction of justice," he said.

"You won't make that stick and we both know it. Now I was here all night. Sleeping. The guys will vouch for me. I spent the last three days on the road on my bike. I was wiped out."

"Ma'am, I'm gonna ask you one last time for your name," the cop said.

"And what's yours?" I asked.

"Bee, quit toying with him," Jax said. "She just transferred, so she doesn't quite understand the relationship we have."

"Sorry cops where I come from don't give at all," I said. I gave him my name and he sighed a bit. He should've known all it would take was having the president tell me to do it.

"Okay, Calista-."

"Please I'll allow Cal but if you want an answer it'll have to be Bee," I said.

"Fine, Bee, which one of these fine gentlemen will corroborate your story?"

"I crashed in Happy's dorm room."

"And was he there all night?"

"He walked me back there and I fell asleep. He was there when we were woken up just now," I said.

"So you can't account for his whole night?"

"I was sleeping. There was a huge party going on out here. I'm sure someone at said party saw him," I said.

The cop seemed sufficiently fed up with me and he walked away. I sat down on the bar stool and drank my coffee. Happy sat down next to me.

"Look we have an agreement with the cops. This is all a formality. There's a few in the department who don't trust us and wanna question us about everything," he said.

"I didn't know."

"It's fine. Kinda funny to watch," he said. I turned to face him and rolled my eyes as he carelessly let his eyes linger on my body.

I leaned in closer to him. "I'm sure I don't need to tell you this but I'm not some piece of meat to be fucked."

He growled a bit but I walked away.

Queen Bee || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now