Chapter 23

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"Our whole lives all I've done is protect you Calista," he said.

"No you haven't. From the second you could run off and not deal with our parents you did. I endured so much shit that my big brother promised to protect me from. And I have 20 years of built up anger to unleash on you asshole," I said.

He was still holding the gun in my face but I knew tonight could end in my death. I didn't care though. I had accepted that earlier when I decided to slip from my bed and Happy.

"I have the gun Callie," he said.

"And I don't care if I die. So shoot me if you're going to asshole," I said. He didn't. I rushed at him, wincing and screaming simultaneously when my arm suddenly felt like I was on fire. He'd fucking shot me. Not to kill me though. I had to get that gun back. I needed to be back in control so I could get out the bullet that I could feel now securely lodged in my bicep. I shoved him and the gun clattered from his hand. He seemed shocked that I wasn't laying on the ground in pain. I hit him square in the nose a couple of times. He was not impressed by that. He shoved me again and immediately went to grab the gun. I was quicker and grabbed my knife, slicing the tendons in his knee. He fell to the ground, screaming. I put my knife back, grabbing the gun and placing it back in my waistband. I grabbed him a towel and tied it to his leg before zip-tieing him to a chair.

I went to the bathroom and got the first aid kit, my adrenaline was wearing off as the sun came up outside. I sat at the table, using the lamp and window for light. It had to be nearing 6:00. Happy would notice I was gone soon.

I poured out some bourbon on my bullet wound and a set of tweezers. I was starting to shake. I thought about calling Happy or Chibs but decided against it. I grit my teeth and started digging in my arm for the bullet. I couldn't really see what I was doing but I felt metal on metal and almost screamed.

A few engines could be heard in the driveway, but I didn't think anything of it. I took a deep breath and gripped the bullet with the tweezers, pulling as hard as I could. I screamed as the tweezers and bullet clattered onto the table. I grabbed a tampon, ripping it open with my teeth and shoving the cotton into the wound. I put gauze and tape over it as I sat with my hands shaking, covered in a combination of mine and my brothers blood.

"Calista," Happy's voice yelled.

"Inside," I said. I sounded almost as weak as I felt.

A group of men in leather burst through the door of the cabin. A few were in front of me and a few went to my brother.

"What happened?" Happy's voice was steady but clearly angry.

"He shot me. Bullets out," I nodded to the table. "Losing blood though." Chibs was busy cutting the sleeve off my hoodie.

He ended up needing to stitch it. I had thought about it but I knew I wouldn't be able to.

"Tell us everything," Happy demanded, so I did. I started with the decision to protect my brothers and ended with them bursting through the door. By the time I was done, Chibs had my arm stitched up and had gone to check on my brother who was still crying like a baby over his ripped ligaments.

"You won't need them when I kill you," I snapped.

Tig looked worried but handed me a candy bar.

"Eat it baby. You'll start to feel better," he said.

"Don't call me baby," I said, tearing into the package anyways.

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