Chapter 32

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Five hours later, Happy and I both had new ink. I was beyond thrilled with that way our crows had turned out. Happy had been delicate in doing my ink while Quinn sat drinking a beer and working on a stencil.

I could tell part of Happy wished we were alone and honestly a part of me did too. The slight pain of the tattoo needle was turning me on and I wanted nothing more than to jump Happy without a single care about the fact that Quinn was present.

About half way through the tattoo, I had sighed and Happy looked up at me over his glasses. A smirk pulled at his lips just a bit before he rolled a toothpick in his mouth. Quinn was either ignoring me or oblivious but he didn't even look up from the drawing in his hand.

That night when Happy and I were laying together in bed, he said the words I never expected him to.

"Marry me?"

"I'm sorry?" I asked, genuinely confused. Sure we talked and joked about it but I never expected him to be serious.

"I already consider you my wife."

"Hap, I want to be tied to you in every way," I said, nervously cracking my knuckles. I ran my finger tips over the raised scar on my left ring finger.

"That sounds like hesitation," he said.

"I don't want it to fuck this up," I said. He pulled himself onto his side so he was no face to face with me.

"It's a formality Calista. I already consider you my wife. Hell you carved HL into your own flesh so I knew you loved me."

He had a point there.

"I know," I said.

He reached behind himself and into his nightstand drawer. When he turned to face me he had an engagement ring in his hand.

"When my mom passed away she left me this with a note that if I ever found the one I was to settle down with her. You're the one."

"I love you Hap," I said. "Please marry me."

He chuckled a little and said the ring onto my finger. "We'll tell the club tomorrow. I'm sure we can throw something together for this weekend."

I nodded and pulled him into a kiss. He quickly took control of the kiss, moving us so I was under him without ever breaking the kiss.

"You know you didn't have to propose to get laid right?" I asked. His hand made halfhearted contact with the outside of my thigh and I laughed at him.

"Watch it little girl," he said.

"Or what Daddy?" I asked. He growled lowly before capturing my lips in another kiss. He stripped us both out of our clothes without having to break the kiss too much.

His fingers moved in slow circles around my entrance as he continued to kiss me. I tried to grind against him but it didn't work as he pulled his hand away. I backed away from the kiss just enough to whimper.

Happy glared a little at me, probably the loss of contact.

"Hap, fuck me, please," I said.

"Not tonight," he said, reaching for a condom. He slid it on and positioned himself between my legs. "Tonight is about love little girl."

He slowly pushed into me, leaning down to leave hickeys on my neck. I moaned at the contact and he started to pick up his pace slightly.

"Touch yourself for me princess," he said, grabbing one of my hands that was gripping the mattress and moving it in between our bodies. I wanted to mouth off but the idea of an orgasm was too much to ignore. I started to work my clit in small circles, moaning as I realized I was closer than I'd thought.

"Did the tattoo turn you on?" He asked lowly. I swallowed and nodded as he continued to fuck me.

"Faster princess. I'm close. Cum for me in three," he paused a little and swallowed. "Two." I picked up my pace anticipating my orgasm. He pulled my hand away and I whimpered. But, the word one left his lips he started in with his thumb on my clit. After two more thrusts he growled the word cum and drove me over the edge.

"So good for me princess," he murmured. I sighed a little and he leaned down to kiss me.

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