Chapter 20

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"Calista, who the hell was that?" Happy asked.

We had made sure everyone was okay and physically they were. I went to respond but sirens cut it off.

"We'll talk when they're gone," I said. Happy just nodded once and walked away. He had to check in with Jax and I knew it.

Still, I couldn't help the feelings that crept up. I knew he was going to think I betrayed him. Part of me wondered if I could slip off the lot with my bike and make a break for it. Back for New York and the streets I was raised on until I was 9 and shipped off to Niagara to live with my aunt. I could find him. I would find him and I would end this game we've been playing since he went to jail and I was shipped off to my aunt. She'd raised me, even before I was in her custody. She called to check on me and make sure he was doing okay taking care of me.

"Calista, we're a little concerned," the sheriff said.

"Fuck off," I said.

I could tell that my harsh comment had earned us some attention.

"Isn't it weird how one clubhouse blows up and you wind up here on-."

"I said fuck off," I said. My body was so tense with anger that I knew it wouldn't be long before I swung on him. I think the guys noticed too because Happy came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, effectively holding me back.

"Calista, what happened?"

I told him exactly what had happened since we'd arrived on the lot. We all told the cops the same thing. The truth. It wasn't easy in our world to do that, but sometimes we had to. Like when our clubhouse exploded.

A couple hours later, Jax called church at his house. Everyone else was headed home.

"Where are we gonna stay?" Quinn asked Happy. Hap looked at me and I nodded.

"With us," he said. The nomads accepted that. We all got on our bikes and headed for Jax's house.

We sat around the table in his kitchen, the nomads and most of us younger SAMCRO people standing due to the lack of chairs.

"Bee," Jax said. I knew what they wanted to know.

"My older brother went to jail. That's how I wound up with my aunt. My dad was a deadbeat and mom was a junkie. Neither of them claimed me. When he got out, he found me. He'd changed he was hell bent on running some empire. Probably the fucking AB. I was 19 and channeling all of my rage into street fights. That's where Axle found me. I was making bank but he offered to sponsor me and I agreed. I was prospecting in when my brother and a couple of his buddies showed up looking for me. Apparently he'd promised me to one of them. Needless to say, I didn't take that well and caught and tortured the two of them. Axle saw it all. He's the one who got me up the ranks so fast. My brother ran back to the city and I thought the fight was over."

"How'd he find you?"

"I think he found y'all and knew you'd at least know where I was," I said. The guys all nodded.

"So we kill the bastard," Tig said.

"That's her brother," Opie said.

"Bee, what do you want?" Jax asked.

"Catch him alive preferably, and I'll go from there," I said. "I don't know right now."

They all agreed. Jax dismissed us to go get some rest. Happy and I led the nomads back to our house. He showed them around a little even though it was nearing one in the morning.

"We need a watch," I said. "I'll take-."

"You're going to go rest." I expected the objection from Happy, but it was Quinn.

"We'll cover the watch," Quinn said. I thanked him and Happy dragged me to our room.

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