Chapter 16

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The next morning someone was pounding on the door to Happy's dorm.

"Fuck off," I yelled.

Instead whoever it was pushed on the door but the lock wouldn't give way. I stood up and went to open it.

"We have church in twenty minutes. Something came up. Also did you tell my girlfriend to punch Ima?" Jax asked.

"No I told her she could do it or have to come crawling to me every time one of the whores stepped out of line," I said. "She had a choice."

"Tara, she isn't a fighter."

"I don't buy that line so don't feed it to me. I didn't put her fist in Ima's face. Although I would like five minutes alone with the bitch."

"Bee," Jax groaned. I watched his eyes flicker to Happy I knew he was still sleeping. I was itching to hit him for that.

"Don't look at him. I'm not just some old lady. I'm also a fucking brother. That means your issue with me is with me. Don't expect him to keep me in line."

"Don't tell my old lady to hit anyone ever again."

"I didn't," I said. "I suggested two options."

"I'm serious," he said.

"And so am I," I said. "Either keep your porn stars in line or let your old lady lay em out every now and again."

"No. And if you hit one-."



"If one of em even thinks about my man's dick I'll know and I'll gut her like a fish. Maybe go warn Ima that all old ladies aren't as weakly armed as yours."

I slammed the door in his face and locked it again. I went to the bathroom and got ready for the day before getting dressed.

"You're a firecracker little girl. You know he's gonna give me shit about that."

"Fuck Hap. I thought you were sleeping."

"Trying to. You two are not safe around each other."

"We're both too stubborn for our own good," I said. He nodded.

"Tell him to fuck off," I suggested. Happy laughed. He got up and dressed and we both went to get coffee before church.

We were sitting around the table, and apparently some assholes from the Aryan Brotherhood had jumped Juice last night. He wasn't at the table because he was sleeping off the beating of a lifetime in the hospital. He had been found stumbling home at five o'clock this morning and couldn't tell the cops much but luckily the Sheriff called Chibs and he got Juice to talk.

"We're going tonight," Jax said.

"Jax Crowbar is supposed to open tonight," I said.

"You're not going with us," he said.

"Like hell I'm not," I said.

"Bee, someone's gotta bartend with Pretty Boy," Bobby said. We'd been training everyone we'd hired for the last few days and Bobby and I both had taken to calling the male bartender Pretty Boy.

"The prospect," I said. I went to the door and opened it. Rat was behind the bar right where I expected him.

"Rat, you're bartending at Crowbar tonight," I said.

He just nodded. I sat back down. Jax was glaring at me.

"I'll be at Crowbar and slip away to help y'all and go back," I said. "It'll work. I promise."

"We're gathering intel still," Jax said. "Today we'll get to know what we can. Tomorrow psycho one and two can interview anyone we find. Don't kill them though. That's on Juice."

We all agreed and Jax gave out assignments to everyone but Bobby and I since we had Crowbar opening stuff.

"Rat, come on," I said. I didn't stop walking as I made my way out to my bike. Happy followed me quickly and kissed my lips.

"Be careful."

He nodded once. "I think Jax has-."

"I'm going with y'all. If you wanna stop me. Find him this morning for me to interrogate before the bar opens."

Happy just nodded and walked away as we all split off and headed separate ways.

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