Chapter 15

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We made it to the party. Everything was set up by the time we showed.

"Look who finally pulled his dick out of the girl so they could get here," Tig said.

"Easy for you to say," I said. "Cause you'll never experience this girl."

"Come on baby just this once?"

"No," Happy and I responded simultaneously.

I got a beer for Happy and went to get myself a shot when I noticed Jax's old lady. I'd only met her once and it was a while ago. I walked over and stood across the bar from her.

"What's it gonna be tonight pretty lady?" I asked. She smiled a bit when she realized it was just me.

"Vodka, and it's Dr. Pretty Lady," she said. I poured some shots and handed her one and kept one for myself. We did them together before I responded.

"Head up princess. The crown's gonna fall," I said. She looked confused. "Chin up. You're the Prez's old lady. That means something but you know that. Jax is the prince, I guess now king of this empire. You're his Queen."

"Tell that to the porn sluts that want him," she said.

"Nope, we're not doing that. Two options: you handle Ima yourself. Lay her out flat. Or, you come crying to me every time she needs it. Now, I don't mind doing it but it won't get you the respect that is rightfully yours."

"Bee, I don't fight," she said.

"You grew up in Charming," I said.

"Abused kid. Hitting people isn't my thing," she said.

"Remember all that hate you have from that," I said and she nodded. "Ball it up and punch Ima with it just once. But don't come crying to me when you wanna hit things more often."

"How do you know so much about being an old lady?"

"Same shit different bar," I said with a shrug. "I helped a lot of the couples back home with issues as a woman and a brother."

"Ever been an old lady before?"

"Nope. Dated a little. Fucked a lot. Damn we had some good dick hangin around but none as good as Happy." I smirked as I caught his eyes. He and Tig had migrated to the pool table.

"Is that why you're with him?" She asked.

"No." I wasn't sure how much to tell her but I knew I needed to get along with the old ladies here and that meant opening up. "If I just wanted his dick we could both separate a good fuck from club shit. We bonded. Call it trauma or fate. Whatever it was, something in both of us clicked. He said it best to me earlier. We both love hard and we both know what we want. Right now it's each other."

"Are you ever worried about him stepping out?" She asked, glaring at Ima as she tried to make moves on Jax that he kept shrugging off.

"Truthfully no. He knows I'd cut his dick off and feed it to him. I'll still worry about it when he goes on runs that I'm not on though," I said.

"That fucking run rule," she said.

"I'm not saying I agree with it so hear me out. These guys don't see blowjobs as cheating the same way we do. They think it's no different than jerking off. I've wanted to change that rule for a long time but it isn't an official one."

Ima started in with Jax again.

"Go show the bitch he's spoken for," I said. I grabbed three beers and walked over to Tig and Happy.

I handed them each a new beer and started drinking mine.

"Little old lady bonding?" Happy asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know," I said. Sure enough the room got real quiet as Tara had knocked Ima out. I just smirked at Happy and he rolled his eyes. He and I both knew that was my doing but neither of us needed to say it.

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