Chapter 3

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As we were filing out everyone was giving me hugs and offering condolences. I appreciated it but it made me want to cry. When Bobby pulled me into a hug I did.

"Uh, Bobby, can you get me a remembrance patch?"

"Anyone in particular?"

"Just all of SAMNY," I said. He agreed and Jax and his SA were the last two in the room.

"Queen Bee, this is Happy Lowman," Jax said.

"The Tacoma Killer," I said with a small smile as I wiped me eyes. "You're reputation precedes you."

"As does yours," he said.

"Hap will do the memorial piece for ya," Jax said.

"Thanks," I said. He just nodded and walked off to where I assumed his dorm was. Most of the clubhouses were built with some small dorm rooms at the back in case lockdowns happened. Then at least the officers families could have some privacy.

I headed to the bar and got a shot of fireball.

"Whose the gash with a purple kutte?" One of the SAMTAC guys asked. I forgot they were in for the party.

I didn't respond as I downed my shot. I'd heard plenty of shit in my time.

"Donut I wouldn't," Tig tried to warn him.

"Who let a pussy patch in?" He asked. I had enough of him and pulled my knife, easily pinning him to the wall with it against his throat.

"I'm the Queen Bee," I said. "So maybe don't piss me off."

He laughed a bit but I dug the knife into his skin just a little more. Anymore would've broke skin for sure.

"Bee," a harsh voice said. I glanced at the tattooed hand on my shoulder and backed off. I knew better than to piss off my SA. Mainly from the things I did to people who pissed me off in NY.

I slid my kutte off and tore the SA patch off. I handed it to Bobby who took it to the safe. Happy was in Donut's face but he was talking so low I couldn't hear what was going on. I knew the legend behind Happy's nickname so I knew he knew Donut. Still, Donut looked terrified.

I grabbed my patches and asked Bobby for a sewing kit. One of the prospects, Phil maybe, handed it to me.

"Let's go outside," I said to Happy and he agreed.

We went out and sat down on the picnic table. I started working on pulling my SAMNY patches as he opened his sketch book.

"What's the deal with the vines?" Happy asked, looking at my left forearm.

"Leaves are the same as your smilies," I said.

"How much do you know about me?"

"Just what Axle wanted me to. Said before me they used to fly you out to do stuff for them. Then I came along and within a week they realized I was ruthless and they let me start doing investigations 3 weeks into prospecting," I said.

"That's how you got to be the youngest SA," he said. "I've got mad respect for that."

I smiled a bit at him.

"What if we did flowers," he suggested. "Roses maybe."

"They're the state flower. So I love that. 13 brothers, 3 prospects, and one for my aunt," I said. "13 white roses, 3 blue and 1 black."

He agreed to that.

"And no leaves," I said.


"Actually I do need one more leaf added to the vine," I said. "I was called out of an interrogation because my aunt took a quick turn for the worse."

He nodded and we both went back to what we were working on.

After a bit, he called me by my nickname to get my attention.

"My names Calista," I said. "Everyone called me Cal."

"Calista," he said. "The most beautiful."

I smiled a little at the way my name sounded coming from him and since he knew what it meant. It made me want to hear every possible way he could say it.

He showed me his idea and I agreed to it. It was perfect.

"It's late. I'll do it tomorrow. You should sleep."

"Yeah, I don't exactly have somewhere to do that."

He stood up and motioned for me to follow him. Luckily my kutte was finished up and I had it back on.

"SAMCRO looks good on you," he said before leading me into the party where everyone welcomed us with cheers.

Queen Bee || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now