Chapter 6

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About three months after I moved to Charming I was at the bar early, working on some stuff before I was supposed to do interviews with Bobby this afternoon. We needed more bartenders than just me. My phone ringing interrupted my thoughts and anxiety about the interviews. It was Jax.

"Hello," I said.

"Hey, we've got a situation for the Queen Bee," he said.


"The cabin," he said.

"Alright I'll head up," I said.

"Hey you're gonna have to work with Killah on this one," he said.

I smirked a bit at that. Getting to interrogate someone with Happy might just be the best experience.

"Sounds good to me," I said. I locked up and headed for the cabin. Luckily Happy and Chibs had been taking me for rides to learn where everything was.

When I arrived, Happy was waiting on the porch, smoking a cigarette like we weren't about to torture someone.

"What're we dealing with here?" I got off my bike and opened one of the saddle bags. I grabbed the black bag and walked up to Happy as he explained.

This guy was caught trying to move crank into Charming. The Sons didn't take kindly to that. Well at least for the most part. A few charters were mules and a couple dealt but we didn't ever talk about that. He'd also pimped out some teenage girls that he'd groomed.

"So I get to cut his dick off?"

"No," Happy said but he was smirking a bit. "I do have an Elsie Maker though."

It was my turn to smirk now. That would be perfect.

"So how do you wanna do this?"

"Huh?" He more grunted than responded.

"Like how is this going to work. Obviously as the SA you get the lead but then why am I here?"

"You're doing this. I've got a bag of tricks but apparently so do you. Jax wants to make sure you're legit," he said. I raised my brows at that.

"Well damn now I'm pissed," I said. I walked inside and sure enough, Tig and Jax were waiting, watching the guy.

"You don't think I'm legit?" I asked.

"I'm just here on disposal," Tig said.

"And to get your necrophilia fix I'm sure," I said.

"How do you know that?"

"I read people Tig," I said. "And you have necrophiliac written all over your face."

"It's a grea-."

"You are gross." I walked away from the men and to the table. I sat my bag down next to Happy's and contemplated going through it. I decided not to. I grabbed my small flame thrower and slipped my kutte off. I wasn't about to have to get blood out of it. I slid some gloves on and got to work.

"Hey asshole," I said as I lit the flame and held it to his skin. He jumped and squirmed. "I hear you have a thing for underage girls."

He looked like he was in pain and I was living for it. The guys had stripped him to his boxers already, so burning his torso and legs was easy.

"Do we need intel?" I asked.

"Just who he buys from."

I nodded at my president who was standing near the door smoking. I turned back to the man in front of me.

"You heard him. Where do you buy?"

He refused to answer so I flicked the flame back on and held it to his skin right above his boxers. He squirmed in pain and I held the flame in place. The smell of burning flesh was making me a little nauseous.

"Where do you buy?" I asked again. He still didn't answer.

I grabbed my hunting knife that I carry most places with me and grabbed onto his right thumb.

"Last chance," I said. He still didn't answer so I dislocated his thumb.

"Wait, I don't know his name," he said.

"Sorry won't do," I said. I moved to his pinky and cut it clean off. I quickly cauterized the wound because I didn't want him bleeding out on me but it still hurt like a bitch.

"We meet-."


"Oakland," he said. "Laroy."

"We're good with Laroy man," Tig said.

"Where do you meet?" I asked.

He shook his head and I grabbed onto his ring finger. I'd cut all ten off if I needed to.

"It changes. I meet with him and get the drugs. Give him the money. Always in Oakland."

The door opened and shut.

"I don't think that's good enough," I said, and cut off his ring finger.

"Bee," Happy said. I looked up at him with a glare but Jax was standing with him.

"Weird how Laroy just said he has no idea who you are," Jax said.

"I swear it's Laroy man," the guy said.

"Is there anyone else?" I asked.

He shook his head. "It's just me. Laroy was providing me with rotating security for the girls. I don't know any of em."

I rolled my eyes and looked to Happy and Jax. I wasn't satisfied with the answers but if they were it would have to do.

"End it," Jax said.

"Can I please cut his dick off first? For grooming those poor girls," I said.

Happy smirked a bit and Jax looked at me like I was crazy. I didn't wait for an answer as I cut into his boxers. I wasted no time and immediately took my hunting knife to his dick. He screamed the whole time, but Happy came over and gagged him pretty quick.

"Now I can kill him," I said.

"I'd almost rather the poor bastard lives," Tig said. I ignored him at looked at Happy.

"It's yours girl," he said. I nodded and took my knife to the man's throat, slicing from ear to ear.

Queen Bee || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now