Chapter 21

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I showered quickly with Happy. Neither of us said anything but the fact that we were both still here said all it needed to. We both run when we're angry or scared. Although I don't think Happy's scared of anything.

I brushed my hair out, wincing at the knots the conditioner hadn't gotten to. I looked exhausted because I was. It was nearing two o'clock now but I needed these braids in my hair and for them to hold. Happy was sitting on our bed, watching me through the open door as I tugged the comb through my hair. It snapped, getting caught in the knot. I whipped it across the room and grabbed my brush. I didn't care about being gentle to my own hair anymore and I tore out huge knots with the brush. I finally got it brushed and parted.

I glanced at Happy. He looked worried.

"Get some sleep," I said. He shook his head. I knew he wouldn't lay down until I did. Luckily years of practice meant even with a hair reknotting itself as I braided, it only took a few minutes for the two braids to be in my hair as tight as I could get them. I caked them in a whole bottle of hair spray, coughing as I killed the bathroom lights and went to bed. We'd get three hours of sleep if we were lucky.

"No run in the morning," Happy said. "And don't go anywhere alone."

"It'd be a hell of a lot easier if I did," I said, sitting down next to him in the dark. He moved closer, relaxing against my body.

"Don't say that baby," he said.

"Hap, I'd give my life for the club a hundred times. We both would. Let me go and save every other brother," I said. "We know the bounties die once I do."

"Absolutely not Calista. I'm not losing you. The club won't lose you."

"I'm just another psychopath. You can find more," I said.

"You're our psychopath. We don't want a different one," he said. I could tell he meant it to be sweet but I was so angry it didn't matter. I slid down the bed and laid with him, waiting for his breathing to even out. Once it did I slipped from the bed. I kissed his lips once before sliding some jeans and a hoodie on. I pulled my kutte on and grabbed my phone, silently leaving my room. One of the nomads that I was meeting for the first time today was on guard detail. He was watching the front door though, so I changed routes and headed for the garage. I slipped out into the cool night air and dialed my brothers phone number once again.

"Calista, dear, it's three in the morning."

"Where are you?" I asked harshly.


"I'm turning myself in. Call off the bounties."

"Well then," he said. "I wasn't expecting that."

"I want to see you though," I said. "Don't send me to the goons and let them rape and murder me."

"No of course not. I'll meet you at that new bar, the one that was supposed to open today. The one your club runs."

"Fifteen minutes," I said.

I ended the call and got on my bike. I needed one last speeding ride if I was dying tonight. I couldn't think about that.

I sped into town and made it to the bar well before my brother. I sat out front. I knew Happy was going to be pissed but I needed the club alive more than I needed to be alive. As long as Happy knows I love him, he will survive losing me.

I grabbed my knife and stared at my ring finger. I didn't have a tattoo gun so this would work. I got gauze and tape ready.

By the streetlights I carved HL into my left ring finger. I smiled a little at the release the pain brought me before bandaging my hand. I wiped the blood on the sole of my shoe and returned my knife to its sheath.

Just in time too as an expensive looking car turned down Main Street.

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