Chapter 12

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When I pulled on to the lot about ten am, Jax was already waiting for me.

"Can I-?"

"Happy explained. I'm not going to take your patch for dating him. He's never been more tame then when you're around. Also, you were not nearly as calm the last time I was in New York."

I chuckled a little. I'd throat punched him. I don't remember what he said to me but it pissed me off and I hauled off and punched him.

"Yeah. I am sorry about that."

"It was years ago. I'm not upset anymore just don't do it again."

"I won't," I said. "But you're really okay with Happy and I dating?"

"Yeah," he said.

"Thanks Jax," I said. He just nodded. He offered me a cigarette but I declined.

"Happy tell ya what I did to him?"

"I'm not old enough to hear about you two."

"Not that. He went for a run with me this morning."

"Is that why he's grumpy?"

"Probably," I said.

"Don't do it again. He's liable to kill someone," Jax said as we walked into the clubhouse.

"Not without me around," I said. I smiled a little as Happy and I made eye contact.

"Go see him. Tell the club you're together," Jax said. I walked over to Happy and he wrapped his arm around me.

"Jax said you're being grumpy," I said.

"I'm better now," he said.

"You're the one who wanted to go with me," I said. He nodded and kissed my temple.

"We've got time to go home before we have to leave," he said.

"Or, we could not. Don't you have to check on the bikes before the run?"

He glared at me a little. He knew he did. He's the only one who was technically a Harley trained mechanic.

"Hap will you look at my bike?" I asked sweetly.

"It's gonna cost ya," he said.

I leaned closer to him and whispered in his ear, "I'll go give you a blowjob right now."

He growled a bit and dragged me back to his dorm. The second the door was shut, he gently pushed me to my knees in front of him. He went to undo the button on his jeans but I caught his hands and did it for him. He growled at me to move faster as I slowly undid the zipper. I smirked at him.

I pulled his jeans and boxers down just enough to release his cock from the confines. I took the head of his dick in my mouth and used my hand to work the rest of the length. His left hand hit the door above my head to support his body weight as I started to work more of him into my mouth. His right hand grabbed onto my braid and he used it to guide me to move faster. He groaned rather loudly as we started to thrust into my mouth.

A knock on the door had us both freezing.

"Hap," Juice yelled from the other side.

"Fuck off," Happy responded as he went back to thrusting into my mouth. I gagged slightly and he groaned again, this time keeping it quieter.

"Seriously Hap Jax wants you."

"Tell him I'm busy," Happy said. He sounded angry. I pulled back a little, giving myself enough room to breath as Happy looked down at me.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded and went back to giving him his blowjob. He groaned again and I could tell he was close. I moved a little faster and pretty soon he was cumming in my mouth. I gagged a little but forced myself to swallow.

"You owe me," I said. He smirked a little. Ge helped me to my feet and wiped under my eyes where they'd watered a bit while I gagged.

"I told you we should've gone home," he said. I shook my head and went to his mini fridge, grabbing a water and chugging all of it.

"Go see what Jax wanted. I'll be down in a second," I said. He only nodded as he fixed his clothing. I went to his bathroom and found mouthwash to make myself feel better about life.

When I walked down into the clubhouse everyone was there and cheering.

"Jax made an announcement about the newest couple," Happy said. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he kissed me.

"Do we still have to go on the run?"

He nodded and I laughed a little. He kissed my neck and whispered that I looked hot like this and he wanted to fuck me up against a wall. I smirked a bit and pulled him into another kiss.

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