Chapter 8

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"Where ya been?" Bobby asked as I walked in.

"I know I'm late. Club stuff," I said.

"He wouldn't happen to be club stuff would he?" Bobby asked, motioning to Happy as he walked behind the bar and grabbed himself a beer.

"Not important," I said. "Let's get this started."

"Yeah, just one thing," he said. "You've got blood in your hair."

I ran to the bathroom and scrubbed it out with water before throwing my hair into a bun. It hid the area well enough.

I returned as Bobby walked in with the first interview. She was just trying to sleep with a brother but we finished the interview anyways.

We conducted a few more. There was one girl with potential to be a good bartender. The rest were not so great.

"Why does no one in this town have bartending experience?"

"Cause the experienced ones already work at the other bars," Bobby said.

We found a couple of suitable chefs and dishwashers but we really needed bartenders and we were striking out bad on that front.

"One more interview," Bobby said. Happy was still lingering at the bar on his second or third beer.

The guy that walked in immediately tried to flirt with me. That angered me. But he had been a bartender in college and knew what he was doing. We didn't have much of a choice but to hire him.

"We'll let you know about the position," I said at the end of the interview.

"Thank you. It was Bee, right?" He asked. "What's that short for?"

"Nothing. Just a nickname."

"Cmon, pretty girl like you must have a pretty name."

"Alright I will only say this once so listen very carefully. I am not interested in you. Your advances and flirting with me will not get you anywhere except the shit beat out of you, okay?"

"What're you going to do? Have your big shot bodyguard over there remove me?" I stood up and walked towards him.

"If you're still interested in this job, prove you listen and leave," I said. He didn't move so I grabbed his ear and dragged him out.

When I returned to Happy and Bobby they were both staring at me.

"We're not hiring him," I said.

"He might be our only option," Bobby said.

"There were a few women who were viable options. I'll train them before we open," I said.

"We'll run it by Jax," Bobby said.

"You will. I have dinner plans," I said. I walked out and got on my bike, trusting Bobby to lock up.

I sped home and started on dinner, having taken chicken out this morning. I made some garlic Parmesan chicken with rice and side salads. I was in the kitchen working when Happy waltzed in like he owned the place.

"Watching you put that prick in his place was hot."

"Hello to you too," I said with a soft smile.

He just opened the fridge and grabbed himself a beer.

"Will you hand me one too?" I asked. He opened the one in his hand and handed it to me before grabbing another for himself.

"Looks good," he said.

"Hopefully it tastes good," I said. He leaned against the counter as I continued to work.

"What are we Hap?"

"We're dating," he said.

"Really?" I asked, setting the knife down. "So I could kiss you right now and it would be totally normal?"

He sat his drink down and closed the distance between us. One of his hands came up to rest on my cheek and the other held my hip. He leaned down and kissed me.


I smiled at him. "Good to know."

Queen Bee || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now