Chapter 13

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We stopped for our one and only break just before crossing into Nevada. We stopped at a gas station and filled our bikes before going inside for drinks. I really just needed to pee. I ran into the bathroom. Sure enough my body had impeccable timing and picked right now to start my period. Luckily I kept tampons in my kutte. I grabbed a Gatorade and paid for it before meeting up with the guys. We headed back out to our bikes. I tapped Happy's arm. Someone was sitting on my bike. I handed him my drink and told him I was going to handle it.

I walked over and smiled sweetly.

"You like the ride?" I asked.

"Yeah it's pretty great," he said.

"I know right? All that power in between your legs. What do you ride?"

"I don't," he said.

"That's too bad," I said. I grabbed him and pulled him away from my bike. "Don't ever sit on another man's bike."

I punched him square in the nose and he got pissed. He swung at me and I ducked it before hitting him again.

"Someone should really control this bitch," he looked to the semi circle of men around me.

"Unfortunately, her boyfriend finds this funny," Jax said. Happy was smirking at me. I heard some more bikes pull in to the lot. We were meeting some Nomads here.

"Look I'll let you off with a warning or I'll gut you like a fish. What happens depends on if you apologize," I said.

"No," he said and I started hitting him again.

He got one hit in on my eye and I got so angry it wasn't funny.

Happy stepped in then and pulled me off of him.

"You must be her boyfriend."

"Doesn't matter to you," I spat. I turned and went back to my bike. Happy was telling him off. I looked at me eye on the mirror. I was gonna have a black eye for a few days.

"You must be the Queen Bee," a mountain of a man said as he walked up to me. He was wearing a SOA kutte.

"You must be Rane Quinn," I said. I shook his hand and he asked what the deal was.

"Guy thought he could sit on my bike. Then he thought he could hit Happy's girlfriend."

"He told me you two have a thing," Quinn said.

"Oh did he?"

Quinn nodded as Happy walked over.

"Brother," they both greeted each other.

"Cal," Happy said I turned to him and he looked worried. "I want Chibs to look at that before we get back on the road."

"I'll go find him," I said. I kissed Happy's cheek. "Quinn, it was nice to meet you."

"You too Bee," he said. I walked off and found Chibs sitting on his bike talking to Jax.

"Hey there medic buddy," I said.

"Damn he got ya," Jax said.

"Lemme see," Chibs said. He held my face gently as he looked at my eye. "How's the vision?"

"Fine," I said. I closed my other eye and it definitely wasn't as good as I thought it was. "Well fine enough."

"Can you ride?"

"How much further is it?"

"Two more hours," Jax said.

"Sunsets in two and a half. Get us there before then."

Jax nodded and Chibs seemed satisfied. "On the condition you ice it when we get there."

I agreed and went back to my old man. He kissed my lips and we both got on our bikes.

The rest of the ride went smoothly. We made it to the Indian Hills clubhouse shortly before sundown and they had a party waiting for us. There was a fundraiser dice run here tomorrow. Indian Hills requested our presence, so we came.

Queen Bee || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now