Chapter 33

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The next day Happy and I made an announcement to the club about our impending marriage. We also managed to plan most of what we needed. Happy coordinated with Lowen on the marriage certificate and finding a JP to perform the ceremony. Other than that it was just going to be a big party. Lyle was probably the most excited person for me and over course she was going to be my maid of honor. She was insistent that we go shopping immediately.

That meant I spent the afternoon trying on shorter white dresses. It didn't take all that long to find one I deemed fit. It was short but long enough to cover everything. I still couldn't ride in it though. It had some cute lace details and was form fitting until it flared out a bit at the waist. My kutte even looked decent over it.

"You can't wear your kutte," she said.

"Opie wore his when you married him."

"Yeah but-."

"No, Ly, I've fought tooth and nail to get to be where I am with this club. I'm marrying my old man in my kutte and with my club vows," I said. She just nodded and pulled me into a hug. She was teary eyed.

"Oh don't cry or I'm gonna cry," I said.

She just nodded and wiped her eyes. "I'm really happy for you Cal."

"Thanks Lyla."

We finished up paying for the dress and the white combat boots I agreed to wear so I didn't have to walk in heels. I guess that are better than my riding boots but still.

Pretty much everything was set for us to get married one week after we were engaged.

The morning of the ceremony, Happy and I got ready together. Lyla had been insistent on doing my hair and makeup but Happy was there for it all. He even zipped up my dress and tied my boots for me.

"You still have to cry when I walk down the aisle."

He nodded and kissed me once before heading down to the clubhouse which was finally finished. Lyla drove us to the lot in her car and Chibs met us outside the clubhouse with Quinn, the best man. I mean it's the least he deserves after hearing the amount of sex Happy and I have. He pretends he doesn't which I'm thankful for but we aren't the best at keeping quiet, or keeping it in our pants for that matter.

Chibs had agreed to walk me down the aisle.

"What a lucky bastard," he said as he looked me up and down. "You look amazing lass."

I thanked him and did a little spin.

"You've got the kutte and you know the club vows," Quinn said. I nodded and we made small talk until Jax pushed the door open and we headed into the new space. The clubhouse was finished literally yesterday. We'd given it some modern touches but it was more or less the same as we'd seen it the night it exploded.

Across the room Happy was watching us. Our eyes met and he wiped away the tears forming in his eyes. I smirked at him. He wasn't impressed that he was crying, even for me.

The ceremony was short and simple. When we were pronounced man and wife, we kissed and were immediately handed shots of whiskey to down. Happy picked me up and carried me to the bar, sitting me on the bar top as everyone cheered for us. Jake was tending bar as we all started to party like our lives depended on it.

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