Chapter 31

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When we arrived in Lodi, it was relatively easy to find Jerseys. I pulled out my cell and googled what he looked like. Once I had that image we just sat outside and waited. By about 8 pm he still hadn't left but most of the staff was gone.

"Are you good with this?"

Jake looked at me and nodded. I handed him a gun.

"You fire it and it becomes yours," I said. His eyes widened but he nodded and put it in his waist band.

I made sure mine was where it should be and led him across the street. I pushed open the door and led him inside.

"Hey we're just closing up for the day. I can take your tapes-."

He didn't seem happy when he saw my kutte.

"Hey, yeah you are closing up for the day."

"Look, what happened with Redwoody, that was between-."

"Oh I know, you and Lyla. Over some talent, right?"

He swallowed and started looking around for an exit. I moved closer to him slowly. I wasn't about to let him get out of here.

"Where's your office?" I asked. His eyes flickered to the hall and I knew it was probably where I suspected.

Jake locked the door. I nodded to the hallway and slid my gun from my waistband.

"We're gonna talk in your office," I said.

He just turned and led the way to the door that he unlocked. I pushed him into a seat on the couch and leaned against his desk.

"Now we both know Redwoody is protected. So why'd you do it?"

He glanced over at Jake, almost like he expected the man to have a higher rank than me.

"No," I said. "You're dealing with me."

"I need the talent."

"Needed. None of this will be left in hours and all your talent will have to find better directors."

"Redwoody would make a pretty penny with you in front of the camera."

I scoffed and moved closer to him, pulling a knife from my kutte.

"Too bad you won't live to see it," I said, tracing the knife down his shoulder. He didn't even respond. That made this boring.

"Too bad I can't torture you. It'd give us away as suspects."

I walked over to the wall and pried the outlet off.

I grabbed my lighter and started a fire with the wires. This place would be engulfed in minutes. I pulled my gun and shot him. I grabbed the casing, tossing it as I led Jake down the hallway since it was still hot. I put it in my kutte and we hopped on our bikes as smoke started to fill the air. We took off quickly, seeing no witnesses as we left.

We got back to Redwoody and the same bikes were still out front. I parked in the line and got off. Jake tried to hand me the gun back.

"Keep it."

I knew he knew about guns. I was the one who taught him. We'd been going to the range so he could learn.

When we walked inside Lyla met me at the door.

"I heard already about the suicide," she said.

"Dumb ass cops," I said. "But it's taken care of."

"Thank you," she said.

I nodded and hugged her before going over to my old man.

"Good work," he said. I smiled a little but he just raised an eyebrow.

"Asshole thought Jake outranked me," I said. The guys all laughed at me, earning glares across the board.

"Let's go do my ink," I said to Happy.

"And your crow," he said.

"And yours?"

"I'll have Quinn do it."

Queen Bee || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now