Chapter 25

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Happy and I wrapped his body in plastic before Happy carried it down back.

"Sit down baby," Hap said. He started to dig a hole. I knew it'd take him far too long to do alone. I stood up and grabbed the second shovel, helping him.

"The sooner we're done the sooner we get to go home and fuck," I said, shrugging a little. Digging a grave in general is hard work. I preferred lighting bodies on fire to dispose of them, but that's me.

Digging a grave with a fresh bullet wound is nearly impossible. I didn't think I was actually helping any. Happy didn't mind though. We talked a little as we worked. He was still upset that hadn't listened and stayed put with him last night but he was also glad it didn't end worse.

"Good enough," he said, jumping out of the hole in the ground before helping me climb my way out too.

"Only took four hours," I said. He laughed a little. It wasn't quite that long but it was a significant enough amount of time.

He dumped the body into the hole and doused it in gasoline. He dropped a lit match into the grave as well and in seconds the whole grave was a big fire pit.

"When I get you home, you're in so much trouble," he said lowly, his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Why wait til we're home? We've gotta wait for this to burn up before we can fill in the grave."

He looked down at me, lust burning in his eyes.

"Out here?"

"Why not?" I responded with a smirk. He pushed me up against a tree and started to kiss me roughly.

Our teeth clicked together as we both fought for control of the kiss. I knew I would lose, but I couldn't bring myself to care. I bit down gently on his lip and pulled back long enough to spin me around and push my front against the tree.

"I told you the next time I fucked you it would be from behind. I wasn't expecting to get to punish you too," he said lowly as his hands made quick work of undressing me from the waist down.

"Please Hap," I said. His hand came down on my ass and I half yelled and half moaned at the sudden contact.

"Never disappear on me like that again," he said before spanking me again and again. Tears formed in my eyes and I stumbled out an apology and a promise to never do it again.

He stood behind me and lined himself up with my entrance. "You're dripping for me. What is it that's doing this to you?" He started to push in teasingly slow. "Being out here? Where anyone could see us? Or the spanking? Or maybe the killing? Is that what it is baby?"

"All of it," I groaned as I tried I move my hips. He held them firmly in place as he pulled out just as slow.

"Really?" He asked. "Who knew you were such a dirty little slut?"

"Only with you," I said. He growled and slammed into me, losing all control. He fucked me hard and fast just like he'd promised. He grunted with each thrust. I arched back, trying to get more friction, and his hand made its was down to my clit, finding it and toying with it easily.

"You should get this pierced," he said lowly. He was getting close. I moaned a little at the idea. It was a possibility.

He grunted and his rhythm faltered as he found his release. He stilled inside me and pushed me over the edge with his fingers on my clit and his lips and teeth on my neck. I knew the hickeys would be dark and massive, but I need it. I need to know we were going to be okay. And with Happy, a fucking that good meant we were.

Queen Bee || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now