Chapter 26

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When we finished with the disposal, we made our way back to the cabin. Jax and Opie were still waiting.

"Tig is disposing of the car," Jax said. I nodded a bit.

"You're grip good enough to ride?" Opie asked.

"My bikes at home," I said.

"Tig's," he said.

I shook my head. "He'll kill me."

"No he won't. It'd just be part way back to town anyway," Jax said. I tested out tensing my arm and I could tell the stitches were straining.

"Nope. The stitches won't hold through riding. I don't want Chibs on my ass about it," I said.

The guys agreed.

"She'll ride bitch with me and the prospect can pick Tig up in the car and bring him back," Happy said. We all agreed and headed out. Happy pulled off towards my house instead of following the guys. When he pulled up the nomads were all hanging out on the front lawn.

"Hey, dumbass, you really ought to work on your watchman skills. I got out. That means someone could've gotten in," I said the second the engine was killed.

I got in the face of the man on guard duty last night.

"Bee, Hap and I both already lit into him," Quinn said. I looked back at Happy and he nodded once.  I backed off and walked back over to Happy. He wrapped an arm around my waist. I leaned into him.

I was starving. These guys hadn't made or ordered dinner.

"What do we wanna do for dinner?" I asked Happy. He shrugged. I walked inside and looked through the cupboards. We were gonna have to order food. We didn't have enough of anything to feed all of us.

I went back to the yard and Happy greeted me with a kiss. I smiled a little.

"Gonna have to order dinner," I said. He agreed. Quinn called and ordered seven pizzas. That felt excessive but there were nine of us.

"My treat," Quinn said. "Y'all have had a long day."

"Tell me about it," I said.

"She got shot," Happy said.

All the conversation stopped as all eyes turned to us. I slapped his chest for telling them.

"And removed the bullet herself," Happy said. He was bragging, like a proud parent whose kid got into Harvard.

"Seriously?" Donut asked. He and I have had issues since we first met.

My sweatshirt sleeve was torn off and the shirt underneath was bloody and torn. I moved the cloth above the bandage and the guys all looked baffled.

"Got shot, took him down and tied him to a chair, removed the bullet and bandaged it. Chibs showed up and stitched me while Hap took care of him," I said.

"Need a new tat?" Quinn asked. Happy nodded.

We went inside then and I went to shower and change while Quinn did Happy's newest tattoo.

When I returned to the kitchen in a SAMNY shirt and athletic shorts, the guys were sitting around drinking and eating. I grabbed a hard lemonade from the fridge and went to sit on Happy's lap since our living room was full of people.

I grabbed a couple slices of pizza and placed them on a plate. I ate and drank as we talked and joked.

I missed this sense of family. We used to just have family dinners in NY. We'd all get together and eat at one of the brothers houses. Then we'd sit around and have a bonfire or just talk for hours. It was a chance to relax and just be with one another.

About two hours after we ate, I excused myself to bed. I was exhausted. I hadn't slept the night before so I was going on nearly 48 hours without sleep. I laid down and almost instantly was asleep.

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