Chapter 11

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At 5:00 the next morning my alarm was going off. Happy groaned in annoyance. I chuckled a little as I shut it off. I kissed his lips gently.

"Go back to sleep babe. I'm going for a run," I said.

"I'll go with you," he said, wiping his eyes.

"Can you keep up?" I asked. He glared at me as he stood up.

I changed into some running pants and a sports bra with a SAMNY shirt I must've stolen from Axle or someone. I was pulling my shoes on when Happy finally got out of bed.

"There should be some athletic shorts and white tees in the guest room. I keep 'em in case any of the guys crash here," I said. "The lack of sneakers I can't do anything about though."

"I run in my boots for club stuff," he said before walking off to the guest room. I headed down to the kitchen to wait for him. I checked my phone that had been on the charger and I had a few texts from Jax asking for Happy.

"Hap, Boss man's looking for you," I yelled down the hall. Happy was on the phone when he walked out of the guest room anyways.

"We'll be there," Happy said. He hung up and turned to me. "Run for charity today. Leaving at 2."

I nodded and we headed out the door. I took off at a relatively slow jog and Happy managed to keep up. Once I felt sufficiently warmed up, I upped the pace a bit. It still wasn't my normal running pace but Happy was out of breath already.

About fifteen minutes in he gave up.

"You're killing me babe."

"You're just outta shape old man," I said with a smirk. He was not impressed but he was too tired to care apparently. "You can head back. I'm gonna finish my run."

He shook his head. "I told you I'd go with you."

"Okay," I said and took off jogging again. I cut my usual route short and we spent another 15 minutes jogging back to the house.

I started a pot of coffee before taking off to shower. Happy was right with me, stepping into the shower directly behind me.

We both washed up quickly and I got out and dressed while he turned the temperature down to finish up. I ended up wearing jeans and a Reaper shirt. I brushed and braided my hair as Happy got dressed.

"I'm going to get coffee. I'll get you some too," I said. I kissed his lips and headed off for the kitchen.

I poured two mugs and added creamer to mine. Happy drank his coffee black which was gross.

I was getting ready to head back to the bedroom when I heard Happy making his way down the hall.

I waited for him in the kitchen rather then taking it to him. When he walked in, I handed it to him and he wrapped his free arm around me.

"Apart from the run, I could get used to this," he said.

"We've been dating a day," I said.

He just nodded and pulled away from me. He stood, leaning against the counter and drinking his coffee as I went to grab the eggs from the fridge.


He nodded.

I started working on some scrambled eggs and I could tell I'd seriously miss stepped with him.

"Happy, I could get used to this too. I just, don't you feel like things are moving fast?"

"We both love hard," he said with a shrug. "We know what we want and that's that."

I nodded and went back to making breakfast.

"Calista, I don't know what you're scared of but I'm not going to hurt you," he said.

"I know."

"Talk to me." He moved and stood behind me with his arms around me as I worked.

"The last time I was involved with a brother it almost cost me my patch," I said.

"That won't happen. I'll transfer out before I let them take your patch."

"As would I."

"Maybe talk to Jax."

"I'm going to," I said. "I've got to handle a few things at the bar then I'm headed to the clubhouse til the run."

"I'll talk to him too."

I nodded and finished up breakfast so we could eat and head out.

Queen Bee || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now