Chapter 2

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I walked up to the door of the clubhouse and opened it. As I made my way inside a man with bright blue eyes and wild curly hair stopped me.

"We're dealing with some family business princess," he said.

"I'm sorry. I'm looking for Jax," I said.

"Queen Bee?" The blonde asked as he walked over.

"That's the name," I said.

"How are you here?" He asked.

"Um, three days on the road," I said. "Speaking of, do you by chance have a Harley mechanic around?"

"Tig take her bike to Lowell. Bee, we were told no one survived the explosion," Jax said. I handed Tig my keys and ran my hand through my hair.

"Yeah, I was with my aunt when the explosion happened. She also passed that night. Only SAMNY member left," I said.

"I'm sorry," he said, pulling me into a hug.

"Thanks. I was hoping to transfer," I said.

"Obviously we will have to vote it at church tonight," he said.


"Go sit down and rest. You need it," I nodded.

Jax grabbed us a couple beers.

"And our tattoo artist is on a run. He'll be back in a few hours if you wanna talk about a memorial tat," he said.

I thanked him and sat down on the couch. Being still for so long allowed me to dose off for a bit. A few guys tried to wake me up here and there but I told them to fuck off.

"Alright Bee, cmon. Church," Jax said as he laughed. I think it was Juice that I had told to fuck off this time.

I went to the bar and traded my warm half of a beer for a bottle of water and threw my hair into a messy bun.

"Phone," Juice said.

"Left it in New York," I said and walked passed him into the church. I headed to the right and stood at the far end of The table as everyone filed in and filled the room. A few of the guys that I'd met said hi on their way in. The table was almost full when the door was shut. The last two standing other than me were Juice and one I could only assume was the Tacoma Killer. We made eye contact for a second before he turned to take his seat at the head of the table as the Sargent at Arms, the position I held in SAMNY. My transfer would mean giving up that patch and not even being eligible for a leadership position for a year. I could go home and rebuild but I had no desire to start from scratch. Besides, Axle always told me I was far too crazy to lead. I'd end up massacring an enemy because they'd pissed me off without thinking about the retaliation.

"Alright everyone, first order of business. This is the Queen Bee. Bee this is SAMCRO. She's looking to transfer," Jax said. "Spent the last three days on the road."

"I take it no letters," the oldest man at the table said. He was using oxygen to breath and had a first 9 patch. That meant this was Piney Winston. He was the only first 9 member left.

"Uh no sir. My charter all died so no one to write one. I have my SA patch though," I said. They voted my transfer and I was welcomed unanimously. Even the Tacoma Killer voted for me which I was honored by. As an outsider I knew he wouldn't want me joining their ranks without knowing me first. I also knew his loyalties laid with Jax, and Jax wanted me here.

"It's decided. Take a seat," Jax said as the Secretary, Bobby Elvis, grabbed some Redwood patches for me. I thanked him and Jax got to business filling us all in on the porn studio and escort services. SAMCRO was pretty well earning straight. There were just some debts of the former presidents that they had to pay.

Jax dismissed church and we all we headed out to party.

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