Chapter 24

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"What do we do boss?" Opie asked Jax.

"Kill him," Jax said. "We have to end the bounties on our heads."

"Those won't end with me," my brother said. "I have partners who also want you all dead."

"You're the ringleader," I said, pausing in my eating to glare at him. "Call it off."

"Wish I could, but I won't."

"Hap," Jax and I said together. He had a way of making things happen.

"With pleasure," he said. He slipped out of his kutte and laid it with me. He hit my brother twice in the face.

He was angry and releasing it. I could see that. I understood that it was at least partially my fault. I'd snuck off in the middle of the night. I could've taken Hap with me, but I chose not to. I'd face those consequences later, probably in the bedroom.

The thoughts had me clenching my thighs a little and trying to find something else to think about.

Watching Happy wouldn't work with, because with every flex of his muscles as he persuaded my brother to do the right thing, I was getting more and more turned on.

"Chibs," I said softly. He moved to stand by me.

"This gonna scar?" I asked, pulling the gauze off my finger.

"What the hell were you thinking lass?" He asked, looking over the scabbed over cuts.

"I needed him to know I loved him if I died tonight."

Chibs chuckled a little, and Happy turned to look at us. He raised an eyebrow and I held up my hands. The crazy bastard smiled at the self inflicted wound. He took two steps to me and planted a deep kiss on my lips.

"Marry me," he said. "Be my old lady. Take my crow and let me have yours."

"Absolutely," I said, smiling a little at him. My brother had passed out from the pain at some point, so Happy stood between my legs for a bit, just kissing me and making sure I was okay.

"What did you do?"

"Took a knife to it," I said. He grabbed my knife from the sheath, and even though it desperately needed washed, he carefully carved CL into his ring finger.

"Calista Lowman," he said softly as he handed my knife back and let his hand bleed.

"Fuck you're hot," I said. My brother groaned in pain and once again got our undivided attention. Well maybe not mine. Mine was solely focused on watching Happy work.

He got my brother to call off the bounties and handed me his knife.

"I already have a few too many family leaves. You've got this one baby. After all he did shoot your old lady," I said. I kissed Happy lips and he nodded.

"You two get more and more fucked up the more I see you together," Tig said.

"And if Tig thinks it's fucked up," Jax said before a low whistle left his lips. We all broke out laughing as Happy twisted a knife in his hands. I knew what he wanted. He was standing behind my brother.

The asshole who was supposed to protect me. The one who instead left me to be abused. The one who left me truly an orphan. The one who had killed all of my family.

I nodded once to Happy and we held eye contact as he slit my brother throat.

"I'll call the cleaner," Tig said.

I licked my lips and bit the bottom one as Happy and I still held eye contact. I smirked a little.

"Happy, Bee, since you two want to fuck over a dead body so bad, you're on disposal," Jax said. I nodded once and stood up.

Queen Bee || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now