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With the club earning straight and Happy and I now married our lives settled down a lot. We'd talked about kids but after a weekend with Lyla and Opie's four so they could have a get away we realized we were probably better as aunt and uncle. We did adopt a dog, which quickly turned in to four dogs. We stayed in Charming and in the club because that was the life we knew and we loved. Also because we were both loyal to a fault. Our brothers from out of town still crashed in our guest rooms when they visited, and our brothers in town did when they hit rough patches. We were there for the club and each other through it all.

My urges to kill subsided some and whenever I got too close to that edge Happy was more than willing to fuck me away from it. I did miss that part of the club life though. Sure I joined up for the camaraderie and brotherhood, but there was a small part of me that was looking for a way to kill even before I was a prospect. I don't love that part of me, but she was the dominant part for a long time so I would survive.

I had become the Queen Bee to save myself, but it wasn't until I met the Tacoma Killer that I knew what being saved actually meant.

Queen Bee || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now