Chapter 28

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The great thing about being the owner is I can bartend for a bit then walk away to check on how the party is going. The Sons were all here, taking up three tables not too far from the bar. The rest of the bar was filled with a good number of people. A lot of them were hang arounds but the majority were not. There were some younger kids, maybe 22 or 23 all here in a group. They were all fascinated with the Sons.

I made my way over to my brothers to check on them.

"How're things over here?" I asked, standing next to Happy's chair as hi s arm wrapped around my thighs.

"Perfect," Opie said. "If your bartender would just give us the bottle of Black Velvet we'd be set."

"No can do. We charge by the shot. Speaking of, whose covering y'all's tab tonight?"

Jax bowed his head a bit and raised a hand. I laughed at that. "How'd you get stuck with it?"

"Kinda told everyone we could drink here for free," he said. I looked over at Bobby and we both started laughing.

"Yeah I shut it down quick," Bobby said.

"You're a good man," I said. "Anyone need anything?"

They all shook their heads no. They had a couple of pitchers of beer spread out on the tables and most had other drinks in front of them as well.

Happy stood up and kissed my lips gently.

"You look hot tonight baby," he whispered in my ear before kissing it. I just smirked at him.

"And you can't do a damn thing about that boner you're already sporting until I'm off at 3:00 am."

He groaned audibly and glared at me.

"I love you Hap. I have to go check on my other tables."

I pushed him back into his seat and walked around talking to customers and refilling drinks if they needed them.

When I walked up to the young group that was hovering around the bar, the girls all wanted to know how I knew the Sons and if I could hook them up. Their reputation as sex gods apparently precedes them.

"I am a Son. Only ever female, and youngest ever Sargent at Arms til I moved here."

The biggest of the group looked amused.

"Who do I talk to about prospecting?" He asked.

"Any of us? What's you're name?"

"Jake," he said.

"That's boring. We'll have to get you a nickname. Why do you wanna prospect?"

"I grew up here. Ride a Harley already, and honestly I need a place," he said.

"A place?"

"An outlet. Somewhere I can go to be around likeminded people."

"He's saying he wants somewhere they'll let him fight without calling the cops."

I smirked a little at the girl clinging to him. Must be his girlfriend. I wasn't sure she'd survive him prospecting but I thought he'd make a good addition.

"Let's go introduce you to the president and we'll see if he's willing to take you on."

I led him over to the table and interrupted the men who were all talking about Redwoody.

"You're in public. Have some fucking decency," I said, smacking Happy and Tig upside the head. "And you Opie, your wife owns the damn place and you're just gonna let them talk about her like this."

"If any of em mentioned her I'd shut em up," he said with a shrug. I wanted to scold him and send him home to his wife and kids but I wouldn't do that.

"Anyways, this is Jake. He wants to prospect, and honestly he looks like a good fit."

"Jake what's your last name?" Jax asked.

"Eglee," he said. "You went to school with my half sister."

"The cop?" I asked suddenly.

"Yeah," he said. I narrowed my eyes at him. Jax seemed amused that I'd missed that detail.

"Jake why don't you sit down. Bee, grab us some more beers."

"Manners or I will charge you double."

"I own half this bar," he said.

"Collectively we own half the bar actually," Bobby corrected him. Jax didn't look amused. I went and grabbed some more pitchers of beer and returned to the table.

Tig stood up and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Candy Eglee looks the other way on us. Always has," Tig said. I nodded. "She was friends with Jax and Opie in school. They'll check with her before making any decisions but he's looking like a good pick kid."

I nodded. I knew he was. I had a knack for recruiting prospects back home. It was no different here.

"Get of my woman Trager," Happy said, grabbing my hand. He was getting drunk. I could tell that without much effort. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his head.

"I love you baby. I'm going back to playing bartender," I said.

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