Chapter 18

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"What the fuck?" I asked. Happy was on the floor tears streaks evident on his cheeks through caked on blood. Jax and Tig were standing nearby but silent. There was a man bound to a chair and he looked very confused.


"He got a phone call and went numb."

I got in his face, prying the knife from his hands.

"Happy?" I asked softly.

He looked up at me. He was well and truly broken. I was here and whole that only left one person: his aunt. Ever since his mother passed away. She'd been his whole family. And family is a priority.

"Your aunt?" He nodded.

"She's gone."

I wiped the tears away from his eyes gently.

"I'm sorry," I said softly. He grabbed my wrists in tight holds that probably should've had me flinching away from him. Instead I leaned into it, flexing them a little so the hold felt tighter. I smirked as his eyes flashed with the recognition that I'd intentionally done that. He squeezed them tighter and I actually flinched a little.

"What do you need?" I asked softly.

He shook his head. "This asshat to give me intel."

"Wanna do it?" I asked.

"Feel free to try," Happy said. I picked up the knife he'd been holding and slid out of my kutte. Tig took it as he came to check on Happy.

"So asshole, I hear you don't want to give us our intel," I said. "That's fine. We have ways of making people take. Just know whatever he did to you is going to feel like a relaxing day on the beach when I'm done."

I studied his eyes. Not even a little terror. Damn. All the more fun to get intel from though.

"He clearly didn't try too hard you still have all ten fingers," I said. "But we'll save those for later. Hap, flame thrower?"

He grabbed a small flame thrower or an over sized lighter depending how you looked at it and tossed it at me. I held the flame up to the knife blade.

"Sometimes, stabbing up can be just as effect. And a red hot blade means you won't bleed. I can stab you 100 maybe more times and all it's going to do is cause you pain."

I sunk the blade in partially and pulled it back out before it had time to cool.


"Twisted bitch," the man spat.

"You say that like it's a bad thing," I said. I was heating the knife up again. This was a game. I spotted the swastika tattoo on his neck and anger raged in me.

"One of you hold his head," I said. Happy moved to but Jax beat him to it. I took the flame thrower directly to the skin.

"That's for being a hate filled asshole."

He screamed making me smirk but he still didn't talk.

"We don't have all day," Jax said. I knew what he meant: quit toying with him.

"Fine," I said. I grabbed the man's pinky, it appeared broken already so I tugged on it and sure enough the bone gave way just how I expected. I sliced it clean off. He was screaming still.

"Which one of you-."

"It was me and a couple others. We were paid though. They have bounties on all your heads. Every dead Son is about $10,000. The one they call Queen Bee is more."

"Who?" I asked.

He didn't answer so I moved to his ring finger. His wedding band was still there.

"Poor wife," I said. I cut that finger off too.

"Just some number saved in my phone. Don't know names."

"Saved under what asshole?" I asked. I couldn't cut off more fingers or he'd die.

He gave us the contact info and the other men who'd jumped Juice. They thought he'd been left for dead. He survived somehow though.

I looked at Jax and knew what he was thinking immediately.

Queen Bee || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now