Chapter 17

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I pulled up out front of Crowbar. We didn't have anything else to do for the opening. I just wanted to be here to make sure of it. Bobby and I had gone over everything meticulously. Between the two of us we hadn't missed a detail. He's good with numbers and business. I knew running bars and how to pay attention to the little things. I needed it in my line of work.

"Bee," Bobby said, sitting down on a bar stool. Rat was cleaning the bathrooms one last time. It was just the two of us. I'd given Rat busy work while I made sure the bar was set. I needed to train him. If nothing else he could run beers and leave mixed drinks to Pretty Boy.

"Elvis," I said.

"Jax is starting to think you're a little too-." His words fell silent as I gave him my undivided attention.

"Just use the word he did so I know what I'm dealing with."

"Well, he was complaining that you told Tara to fight Ima. And that you made a big show this morning."

I sighed. "Yeah I told him to not expect Happy to keep me in line. I'm a brother. Not an old lady."

"He said you called yourself one."

"I might've in like the heat of the moment," I said. "I was tired and frustrated. He wanted Hap to keep me in line. I'm not just some pussy Bobby."

"We all know that," he said.

"Sometimes I'm not sure our prez does," I said. I ran a hand through my hair before both came to rest on my hips. My SAMNY patch was right under my left hand. I took a deep breath. They were gone and I was here. I needed to be here and not keep comparing here to there. Hell there was no more there anymore.

"You need a release, and given the hickeys on your neck, I'd assume not the sexual kind."

"I do what I do to handle the urges."

"We'll find these fuckers who hurt Juice and you can hurt them. Then I'll see what I can do about a kill."

I shook my head. "Normal people would recommend professional help."

"We all have our demons," he said. "Some of us drown em. Smoke em out. Bury em in pussy. Yours are stronger. I don't know what you went through girl but yours need released. Sex clearly isn't cutting it. If hurting people helps you, I'll track down every child abuser from here to Hell."

"Thanks Bobby," I said. He just nodded. I glanced at the clock it was nearing dinner time finally.

"Our employees should be here soon."

Bobby nodded. "Why don't you take off? I'll hold down the for-."

My phone ringing cut him off. I answered it despite it being Jax. I knew no matter how pissed I was at him I couldn't ignore a call from my prez.

"He's in the cabin. We found him. I'm letting you come up here on the condition you two don't kill him. Happy isn't impressed and is starting in though."

"I'm on my way," I said. A smirk grew on my face as I left my phone under the bar and grabbed my keys.

"I've got the bar," Bobby said. I kissed his cheek and thanked him, running out to my bike and pushing it as fast as I could to the cabin. I got it parked and ran in.

"What did I miss?" I asked once all eyes were on me. It was only after the question left my lips that I realized what was going on and I froze.

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