Chapter 29

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When the night was over and all was said and done, we were exhausted but excited. The opening night had been a hit. At 2:00 we had to quit serving alcohol and by 3:00 we had everyone out of the bar and the bar locked up. I put Happy and Bobby to work helping the rest of the staff and I clean up. It was pretty quick and I knew I'd be back in the morning to clean up some more anyways.

Luckily I had convinced Happy to ride in my car with me. I'd finally broken down and bought a car since I knew I'd be hauling his and the rest of the guys drunk asses around and my grip still isn't good enough to ride thanks to the healing bullet wound. It was a pretty cheap and basic four door car but it worked.

Happy was drunk enough that he didn't complain about caging his colors like I was expecting. He willing took his kutte off and got in the car. Maybe they'd slipped him some weed with his booze.

I drove us home in the silence of the early morning. Happy's hand was on my thigh, gripping it a little bit and moving slightly higher constantly.

When we got to the house, Happy dragged me to our room. He shut and locked the bedroom door and I slid the gun out of my waistband to our dresser. I wasn't sure when everything had become ours, but it had and I wasn't complaining. Happy picked me up the second our hands were empty and dropped me on the bed.

"Hap, Quinn is trying to sleep right down the hall."

"You're just gonna have to be quiet then little girl," he said. His voice was rough like always and it made me melt just a little. Something about his voice is incredibly hot.

He grabbed my hands, pinning them above my head as his lips captured mine in a heated kiss. I groaned a little at the pain where my arm was still healing. Happy bit down on my lip, just hard enough to elicit a whimper. He pulled back and stripped out of his shirt. Since he'd released my hands I took the opportunity to pull my top off as well. If I did it, he couldn't accidentally hurt my arm more. Granted pain can be just as nice as pleasure.

Happy's hands found the waist band of my pants and pulled them down in one quick, smooth motion, taking the thong I'd had on with them.

He leaned back down and kissed me again before starting to trail his lips down my body. He worked his way down my neck, leaving a few hickeys along the way. He paused only long enough to remove my bra from my body. Then he was kissing and biting the skin of my breasts, leaving even more marks as he worked his way lower.

As he did, one of his hands trailed up the inside of my thigh and he started to circle my clit with one finger. The friction felt so good that when he moved his finger lower, pushing it into me, I whimpered at the loss of contact.

He kissed his way back up my body as I grabbed onto the fabric beneath us. His lips captured mine as he added a second finger, pumping in and out of me rather quickly.

"Hap," I moaned his name.

"Want you to cum for me princess," he said. He ducked his head to take one of my nipples in his mouth as he added a third finger and started circling my clit with his thumb. I bit into my lip, trying to keep quiet.

Happy pulled back so he could smirk down at me. He loved the effect he was having on me.

"Are you close?" I could only nod, not trusting my voice to keep quiet. He leaned down to my ear and whispered lowly, "cum for me princess."

As he said that, he sped up his fingers and I couldn't hold back anymore as my release hit me. He didn't slow his fingers until he was sure I had ridden out my high. The second his hand left my body though, it was replaced by the head of his cock.

He pushed in slowly, covering my mouth with his hand. I licked his hand and his eyes went wide as he looked down at me. He pulled out and flipped me over onto my stomach. He immediately slammed in to me again and I thanked god for the pillow my face was buried in as I moaned rather loudly.

"Can't fucking behave so I'll just have to fuck you into this mattress with your face buried in the damn pillows to keep your fucking mouth shut," Happy growled the words lowly, mere inches from my ear as he continued to thrust into me.

His words only added to my arousal and the growl that left his lips at the end meant he felt it to. He grabbed both my hands, pulling them behind me, making my yelp a little at the sudden pain in my arm. He just held my hands in place and sped up his thrusts.

With his free hand, he reached under my body and started to work his rough fingers over my clit. I moaned into the pillow before biting into it to try to keep my mouth shut.

"Fuck," Hap groaned. "You're so fucking tight baby."

I tried to grind back against him, looking for friction however I could get it but he either didn't notice or didn't let it change the way he was fucking me.

"You've got one more in you pretty girl," he whispered. He thrust a few more times and bit into my shoulder as he reached his release inside me. He continued to flick his fingers across my clit, speeding up until he felt me tighten around him a few seconds later.

"So fucking perfect," he groaned and he worked me through my orgasm. He removed himself from my body and all I could do was collapse into the bed. He chuckled a little when he returned from our bathroom with a damp cloth. He cleaned us both up before pulling me under the covers with him.

"I love you Calista."

"Love you too Hap." I was half asleep already, so the warmth brought to me from his body meant I was out in seconds.

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