Chapter 27

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We ended up pushing the opening of Crowbar back a full week. My staff was annoyed but Bobby and I explained that there wasn't much we could do.

We also started having church in my office at the bar since Tara was getting annoyed about our constant presence at Jax's house. Happy had offered our place but Jax wasn't impressed with that idea. I don't know why given it's just two members who live there.

The Nomads dispersed a few days after the explosion, leaving only Quinn crashing in our guest room. He was talking about disbanding the Nomad charter. It really wasn't safe to be riding as much as they do, and it was always meant to be temporary. Most the other guys had landing places picked out. Quinn was bouncing between Charming and Tacoma.

On the night of the bar opening, all of the guys turned out for the party we were sure it would turn into. With the clubhouse waiting for insurance people to come see about paying us, we couldn't even consider a rebuild yet. That meant we had nowhere to hangout and drink. The guys decided Crowbar was going to be that place. I didn't mind the extra muscle around in case things went side ways.

We were set to open our doors at 6:00, which means I showed up at 3:00 with my hair and makeup done and my clothes for opening night in my bag. I needed to look the part, but I wasn't going to wear my fancy ass clothes while we prepped for opening night. Happy came with me, and Bobby and Tig met us at the bar. We worked for a bit before the rest of our staff showed up about 5:30. I snuck off to my office and changed into some leather pants and dressy white crop top. It was the closest these men would get to me looking businessy. Not that they cared. I pulled my kutte back on and relaxed into it. Since I got it, it's felt like a security blanket. It earns me respect the second I step into a conversation. People listen when I speak, all because of a little bit of leather.

I slid my gun back into the back of my waistband and bagged up the jeans and tee I'd been wearing. I hated the idea of it, but I pulled on some white heels, the only heels I own, and left my boots by my desk, ready in case something happened. Something always happens. Tonight I needed to focus on the bar though. I knew that. I just struggled with it.

Even going on almost a year here in Charming, I still struggle with not being the Sargent at Arms. I miss the title, and the power. I thrived when I was intimidating people into doing what I wanted. I knew Happy was probably the best Sargent at Arms that the Sons would ever see though, so I was beyond honored to work with him as it was needed. I glanced down at my Men of Mayhem patch. Right above it, if you looked closely enough, you could still see where my Sargent at Arms patch used to be. I sighed a little and leaned back against my desk.

There was a knock on the office door before it was pushed open. That meant it was Happy. No one else would have dared to enter while I was changing.

"What's wrong?" He asked. He moved to stand in front of me and I stood up too, so I was no longer leaning on the desk. The added height of the heels made me feel extra tall as I stood in front of him.

"Just missing my SA patch," I said softly. He brought his hands up to kutte, wrapping his fingers around it on my shoulders and smoothing over the area where my favorite patch had been with his thumb.

"Your year's nearly up," he said.

"No one in their right mind would pick me over you for SA," I said. He kissed my head and he trailed his hands down to wrap me in a hug.

He didn't say anything and I knew it was because he knew I was right.

"There's other-."

"I'm not cut out to lead," I said, cutting him off. Anyone else would've infuriated him, but somehow I didn't.

"Don't say that."

"It's true Hap. I'm cut from the same cloth you are. We're both meant to be the muscle. The ones doing the dirty work. Fiercely loyal to our leaders," I said. "I just miss the sense of control I had, like if I spoke my president listened without the glare I get from Jax."

"He just is still learning how to handle you," he said.

"He doesn't seem to have an issue handling Phil, or V-Lin. He leaves his damn family with them and they don't have patches. But I do much as speak up in church and he glares at me."

"He trusts you. He knows you're legit. Baby, what's actually going on?"

I glared at him. It wasn't fair to take this out on him though so I tried to relax.

"Just worried about tonight. I'm stressed it won't go well. I do miss my patch and my power that came with it too, but the stress is making that harder to control."

He shook his head and leaned down to press a kiss to my lips.

"Tonight will be perfect. Come on. You've got a bar to run."

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