Chapter 14

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The run was perfect and two days after leaving we were back in Charming.

I immediately went home and showered before collapsing into bed. The worst part about runs is that you kind of have to sleep wherever. Happy got priority as Sargent at Arms so he usually got a couch and I just slept on his chest. That didn't mean I was sleeping comfortably. It just meant I was sleeping more comfortably than some of the brothers.

Happy showed up at some point during my nap and let himself in. I only know because he woke me up when he walked into the room.

"Calista. Are you okay baby?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said. "Just cramps are killer."

"Come here," he said. He sat down and pulled me into his arms. I was sitting in front of him between his legs with my back against his chest. He rubbed my stomach, trying to make me feel better. I relaxed against him. His hand inched lower and he slipped his fingers in between my clothes and my body.

"Hap, I'm bleeding," I said.

"Is that supposed to stop me?"

I shrugged.

"I'll stop if you want," he was whispering in my ear causing shivers to shoot down my spine. "But I hear it's the best cure for cramps."

I smirked. "It works. It's just messy."

"It won't be the first blood I've had on my hands," he said. He continued to move his hand down my body and he kissed my neck.

I gasped as one of his fingers slipped inside me. He started to move his finger in and out and I leaned back against him more.

"You're so fucking sexy Calista," he whispered as he kissed right below my ear. He continued to finger me, adding another finger and earning a sigh. His other hand worked it's way up my shirt and came to rest on my boob. He twisted the nipple between two fingers, pinching it slightly.

"Hap," I said softly.

"Yes little girl," he said.

I opened my mouth like I was going to say something but he brushed his fingers against my clit and I gasped.

"Feels good, doesn't it," he said lowly as he confused moving his fingers inside me. I nodded and he pulled his fingers out.


He cut me off by immediately placing a finger against my clit. He started working over it earning little whimpers from me every few seconds.

"I love that sound," he said. His voice was lower and more raspy than normal.

"Princess, tell me when you're close," he said. He bit down on the skin of my neck and I moaned. Everywhere he was touching my body was lighting up like it was set on fire.

"I'm close Daddy," I said, my voice barely a whimper as he immediately sped up his actions.

I started squirm some and his arm locked around me tightly.

"Hold still for me," he whispered and I froze as he continued to work his magic.

"Please Daddy," I said.

"Cum for me pretty girl," he said. He kept working his fingers over my clit. "I want to see you cum all over Daddy's fingers."

I moaned as my orgasm hit and he continued to finger me.

"Do you have another round in you baby?" He asked.

I shook my head no and he kissed my cheek, pulling his hand away from my body.

"I'm gonna shower quick. We have a club party tonight," he said. He stood up and I immediately collapsed back into the bed.

"Nap first," I said. I rolled onto my stomach and I was out almost instantly.

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