Chapter 10

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I dragged Happy from the bathroom to the bed.


"Don't ask questions," He said. He leaned over and kissed me. "Trust your body and follow my lead."

"Hap, I'm not a virgin," I said.

"I know but you've never been with me," he said. He started to kiss down my neck. He bit down slightly.

"Hap," I said. "The club."

"I need them to know you're mine."

I groaned a little and bit my lip.

"No," he said. He used his thumb to pull my lip from between my teeth. "I want to hear you."

He resumed kissing down my neck.

"Hap," I said he glanced up at me from where he was biting the skin of my collarbone. He stopped long enough to smirk at me. He had one arm next to my head to support himself and his other hand was running up and down my body.

"What turns you on?" He asked in a low whisper. I shrugged a little. "I know that you know little one. So tell me."

"I can't," I said.

"Why not?" He asked before going back to kissing my neck.

"I'm not embarrass-."

"Listen to me. Nothing you could tell me would freak me out or make me like you less. So tell me," he said. "Or I'll figure it out on my own."

His hand that had been tracing my body had frozen at the base of my neck.

"Take control," I said. I grabbed his hand and slid it up slightly so it was sitting around my neck. He tightened his grip just a little.

"What else?" He asked.

"There's too much for one night," I said.

"I think you doubt how many rounds I'm willing to get from you," he said. He almost chuckled at the words.

"But be a good girl-." I swallowed harshly at those two words and I could tell he noticed as he smirked. "Tell me three, I guess two now, more things."

"I have this thing for voices. I want you to be vocal," I said. He nodded in encouragement. "And pain, not in a like whip me kind of way but in a just enough to enhance it kind of way."

"Good girl," he said. His hand traced down to my hip bone and froze there for a second. He squeezed it slightly. His hand continued down my body until he'd reached my clit. He smirked a little as he used his finger to trace gentle circles around it.

He pushed one finger into me and I immediately gasped. Something about him made my body react in ways it never did before.

"I told you I wanted to make love to you. So that's what I'm going to do. Just know that the next time we sleep together I will be fucking your brains out from behind," Happy said lowly.

"I look forward to it," I said. He pushed two fingers into me and started to pump them in and out as he leaned down and started leaving hickeys all over my boobs.

"Hap," I groaned.

"Try again," he said.

I smirked a little. "Happy, please, I want to feel you inside me."

"Little girl," he said. "I know you didn't forget earlier already."

He leaned over and grabbed a condom he must've put on the bedside table.

"Hap," I said. He glared at me as he slid the condom on. I tried not to think about the fact the he looked like an expert at that.

"You have one more chance before I flip you over and fuck you into the mattress," he said.

"Please Daddy," I said. He lined up and pushed himself inside of me, causing us both to moan rather loudly.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded and he brought his hand up to my throat. It didn't stay there long though. He moved it down to my boob, taking my nipple between his fingers and rolling it as he began to thrust into me. I bit my lip again out of habit.

He moved his hand down my body gently, seemingly finding every nerve he could. His hand came to a stop when he reached my clit. He started to rub circles on it with his thumb.

I moaned and grabbed onto his wrist that was supporting his body weight.

"Fuck that feels good," I said as he sped up.

"Are you close baby?" He asked. I nodded and he sped up a bit again. I was getting close to cumming.

"Cum with me," he said. "In three," he took the longest pause I think in all of history. "Two," he paused again. "One." He groaned a little and I could tell he was close too. "Cum for me little girl."

He fingers continued to move perfectly over my clit and I orgasmed at almost the exact same time as he did.

"Good girl," he whispered in my ear as he pulled out of me. "You're perfect baby."

I smiled a little in response. He disappeared and came back a few seconds later with a damp cloth. He cleaned us both up and turned out the lights.

"You're amazing Happy," I said.

"Goodnight Cal," he said. I could hear the smug tone in his voice.

"Call me Calista?"


"Yeah but just when it's you and I," I said. He agreed and kissed me before we both fell asleep.

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