Chapter 22

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He pulled the car into a parking spot near me and stepped out.

"I'm alone," he said. I glared and checked the car anyways, making him pop the trunk. He was, which surprised me.

Was I a dumbass for doing this? Maybe, but I'd do what I had to to protect my brothers.

"Why'd you kill them?" I asked.

"They had something I wanted," he said. "And we aren't all that different little sis."

I scoffed at that. I was nothing like him.

"I unleash that rage you have too. I just use explosions instead of torture."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Cut the shit Calista. I know you tortured my guys and killed them. I know everything about you. I made you Calista."

"I was 9 when I left for Niagara," I said. "You didn't have shit to do with me or my raising."


I tensed before allowing my shoulders to relax a little. I knew I had the upper hand.

"Why do you want me dead? Better yet, why haven't you killed me yet? It's the perfect opportunity, no witnesses to worry about and dead on the steps of my own business for my brothers to find in the morning."

"Because it was never about killing you. Only finding you," he said. "I need you Callie."

No one had called me that in years. It was what our mother and all her boyfriends called me. I was starting to shake with anger, or maybe the cold air given that it was the earliest hours of the morning still.

"Callie, be a doll."

I lost it. Any semblance of control I had was gone. I pulled my gun and shoved it against the base of his skull.

"We're going for a ride," I said. I kept zip ties in my kutte, so I used some to bind his hands. I forced him into the trunk of the car, slamming it on him before getting in and driving off for the cabin. It was too easy, but I wasn't being followed. There was no way in hell he'd have let me take him that easy. He had a plan somewhere and I had no idea what it was.

I was almost to the cabin when I realized I didn't have my bag of tricks. Maybe there's be a hunting knife or something I could use on him there. Or maybe Hap kept tools at the cabin. I parked his car a little ways from the cabin, leaving enough room that if it blew up, the cabin would remain untouched. I got him from the trunk and took him inside.

It didn't register to check him for weapons until his hand was flying at my face on the porch of the cabin. Luckily I was a good fighter and I saw it coming. I ducked it and hit him in the ribs. He took the hit in stride and swung again. I blocked that one and got in a punch on his face. He had a knife in his hand. The idiot must've forgot I had a gun. I went to grab it but couldn't find it. I kept my face even as his knife hit my kutte. I grabbed my own knife and sliced his thigh and his arm. He wasn't impressed but pulled my gun on me.


"I always was a good pickpocket. Now, it seems I have the upper hand Callie."

"Stop calling me that," I said.

"Who are you going to go crawling to? Huh? Our aunt is dead, and in case your forgot so are our parents," he said. That's what this was about. At 18, I made a trip back into the city and earned my first two leaves. The two people in my life who'd hurt me the most. If I could've gotten my hands on this asshole he would've been number three.

"Give me my gun," I said. "God knows you won't shoot me. You never had the balls to kill someone when you could see their face. In case you forgot, you were supposed to do that. Instead I had to. I had to become something you'll never be."

"A serial killer?"

I scoffed. Sure I guess I technically was a serial killer. "Someone who can protect those they care about."

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