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A sly grin crept onto Hyunjin's face. He wondered how long it would take for Minho to realize that this was his house, his belongings, and his book, which he was reading. He threw his weight on top of the older one, smothering Minho with his long arms and bare torso. The lack of clothing didn't go unnoticed by the dancer.

"Is it necessary to do this when you are only wearing boxer briefs?" Minho pushed Hyunjin off him and sat up. His sweater and joggers were already too warm for him, having the artist plastered against him was an absolute overkill.

"You're always warm in bed with me which makes me sweat. So why are you still wearing that? Please take it off, you never wear something while sleeping. I don't feel like changing my bedding at midnight because you turned it into a swimming pool." 

"You're the one who perspires so hard," Minho countered, crossing his arms against his chest with a big huff.

Hyunjin smiled at his friend's childish behavior and said, "Fine. I don't feel like changing my bedding at midnight because I turned it into a swimming pool because of your heat, because you're stubborn and get too hot in clothes. Better?"

Minho kept quiet but did listen and pulled the sweater over his head and tossed it toward the chair, then, still sitting, he shimmied his sweatpants down to his ankles and threw that one too toward the chair. With nothing more than is underwear on, he turned on his side and leaned on one elbow to keep him half-way up, and said, "Satisfied?" 

More than. *Author's thought not Hyunjin's. Or maybe the both of us*

"Yes." Hyunjin crawled under the covers and threw his head back, his blond hair spilling over the pillow. He stared at the ceiling where the headlights of passing cars flickered across and then disappeared.

Minho did the same, only he stayed on top of the covers. With one arm propped under his head and one leg pulled up, he watched the dancing lights. Far in the background he heard the city life but he was more focused on the breathing next to him.

"Are you asleep?" There was a soft hum. "May I ask why you read such books?" The brunet was genuinely curious. Hyunjin was attractive and he knew that the blond didn't have to go out of his way to get attention from a girl—or boy.

"Which one? Book one or book two?" The artist wasn't planning to let the older one get away with snooping into his book so easily.

Minho smirked, realizing the other has noticed and said, "Both."

"The stories have more depth than you might think. It's not just the sex but the tension that makes up the whole book. It's a great stress reliever after a long day. And it's hot."

Both guys weren't shy when it came to sex but it was not a common topic between the two. The area was quite new, which made them even more curious.

"Which is your favorite?"

"The one you tossed."

"Really? Why?"

"Damian is hot as fuck."

"Which one was that?"

"The one with the brown hair."

"Ah, yeah he is... I like the blonde more, though."

Hyunjin turned on his side to study Minho's side profile. The damp hair on his forehead had a few curls. Then he lowered his gaze toward the dancer's sharp nose and high cheekbones, and stopped when he reached the upper lip that sticked out cutely. Minho's tricep flexed as he shifted the arm under his head. He took a deep breath in and out. Hyunjin's eyes wandered down to the side where Minho's ribs and the Serratus muscle were visible. What an anatomy book was good for.

"The blonde? So you like cute men?" The artist wondered, loving how openly his friend confessed what he liked in men.

"Like is a big word, but in this book he's attractive."

Hyunjin thought those words over for a moment, then said, "So you'd go for a Felix, or Jisung? But I think he swears too much to be seen as cute."

Amused, Minho faced Hyunjin. With a raised eyebrow, he looked into his friend's sleepy eyes. "Are you seriously shipping me with our friends right now?"

The blond male shrugged his covered shoulders.

"Silly boy.. What about you? Changbin? Chan?" A shiver ran down Hyunjin's spine at the thought of his friends being sexual with him.

"No thanks." Hyunjin pulled a face, disgusted, and pulled his blanket under his nose. Minho decided to go under the covers too, feeling his body cool down from sleep.

"Next time read to me from the book," the brunet yawned, his eyes fluttered shut, and almost instantly fell asleep with a smirk lingering on his face. Hyunjin laughed and threw a 'what?' right after. Even this late, he knew how to make the younger one laugh.


Minho woke up from a hot stranglehold. One eye peeked to get to the bottom of what was causing this. The culprit—Hyunjin—has tangled his limbs all over Minho with his face pressed in the other's neck, breathing warm puffs of air, making the brunet even hotter.

"Jin, please," the male mumbled, pushing the blond away from him. He only got a murmur as a response, and a tightening grip. Minho sighed deeply, staring at the ceiling, knowing it would get impossibly warmer if he kept struggling; Hyunjin could be crazy strong sometimes.

There was a soft giggle below his ear, making him shift to look at his left but froze when he felt wet lips grazing his skin. 

"Dude!" This time Minho pushed hard enough and shoved Hyunjin out of his bed. The youngest fell face down onto the floor, his legs sticking out above the bed. "What in the world were you dreaming of?"

"Jesus, is that your way of waking someone?" Hyunjin's head appeared above the bedside, confused. "My dream? Why?" His blond hair lay unruly and tousled in front of his puffy eyes. He blew a strand out of his eyes and folded his arms on the mattress to give Minho a pointed look. 

"You were kissing my neck." Minho rubbed over the area to remove the wet stain.

"Oh. Yeah, reading certain stories before bedtime isn't the best advice I would give myself when I know someone is sleeping beside me the next morning." The artist smiled sheepishly and crawled back into his bed. His smile deepened at the sight of Minho's facial expression.

"Were you dreaming about that Damian guy? You know he's fictional, right?"

"It was a brunet, yes—hm-hm," Hyunjin hummed vaguely as he eyed his bed buddy from behind his wild hair. The other didn't notice the underlying message and pushed himself off the bed. His boxer shorts were rolled up to his groin, giving the blond a good view of Minho's well-shaped thighs.

"What's your plan for today?" Hyunjin's eyes followed the male into the bathroom. The door slammed shut. "Still not a morning person." He flopped back into bed and grabbed the pillow that smelled of Minho.

"—Felix asks if we want to have breakfast with him!" Minho yelled from behind the door, clearly with a toothbrush in his mouth. "I already said yes."

"Then why do you ask," the blond mumbled sleepy and rolled out of bed. He picked out an outfit and went to the bathroom. "Knock-knock." He pushed the door open with two fingers and saw Minho's bare back fill his vision. The brunet splashed water on his face and then reached for a towel to pat himself dry before he turned around. The bathroom was small, the space between the sink and the door was not intended for two people. It made it easy for Hyunjin to see a drop of water create a wet path over the dancer's chest. He should read less.

"We meet in half an hour, so hurry up." The brunet brushed past the blonde and pushed the towel into Hyunjin's hands.

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