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The door of the dance practice space gets locked. Minho slings his duffel back over one shoulder and walks toward the exit. He's meeting a part of the group of friends at Chan's music studio. They are probably all there already. Minho had a last-minute student who needed help, so he was running late.

At a little past eight-thirty, the dancer walks a few steps down to the basement studio. With the spare key, he opens the door and places his bag in the hallway with his shoes.


He gets a meekly "hey" back from the three music lovers that are glued onto Chan's laptop. Chan sits in the middle, flanked by Jisung on the left and Changbin on the right.

Minho plops down on the couch. "What are you guys doing?"

"Music," Jisung mumbled.

No shit. Minho watches the three zombies carefully, a smirk silently showing on his face. "I fucked Huynjin," he says out of nowhere.

Changbin voices out a soft "okay", still not giving the dancer his full attention. But steadily, the words register in his brain. "You fucked Hyunjin?!" The yel gives Chan a jump scare and sends Jisung rolling off his chair. They finally look at him; eyes popping out.

"You had sex with Jinnie?" Jisung repeats, scrambling back on his chair.

"No, but I'm not getting ignored anymore." There is a variety of drinks displayed on the glass coffee table and the brunet decides to have some canned sprite. He opens the can with a sizzle and gulps down the carbonated drink.

"That's not funny," Changbin mutters. But his interests are peeked and rolls closer to his friend. "So you really haven't?"

Minho watches his friends closely. Jisung sits on the edge of his chair, too curious for his own good. Chan, on the other hand, looks a little embarrassed and dips his head down to hide behind his hand. And Changbin sits now next to the dancer with a dirty smirk on his face, wiggling his eyebrows. "-No."

"Ya, hyung.. That's such an anticlimax!" Jisung whines, rolling annoyed from left to right. "How do the logistics work anyway?"

"Logistics?" Both Minho and Chan question.

"Yeah, who goes where."

He gets a smack on the back of his head by the oldest of the group. "Ji! They're not some type of jigsaw puzzle you can solve!"

"Geez, I know that. I'm just curious, that's all. I mean, when you're with a girl it's kind of obvious." The youngest shrugs and grabs a back of XL Cheetos. He rips it open and stuff the orange powdered, puffy chips into his mouth.

Minho's mind sidetracks a little to this morning. Waking up to Hyunjin by his side is something he's grateful for every day. He's never going to get used to the fist that keeps squeezing his heart whenever he lays eyes on the sleeping form next to him. With a bird's nest of blond hair tousled on top of his head. A little drool soaking his pillow, and the soft stirring that tells the brunet he's waking up.

That morning he did wonder about having sex with the artist. After the amazing blowjob and their after play in the shower, he can only imagine how good it would feel if they could connect on a whole other level. The intimacy of being so close to one another is making Minho crazy for want.

He wants to give Hyunjin that, all of that, but he isn't sure how exactly.


"Hm?" He looks up at Chan, the daydream evaporating. "What did you say?"

"I asked if everything is fine. With you, Hyunjin."

The worry laced in his only hyung's voice gives him a small smile. After he told Hyunjin every dark speck of his past, he wants to share it with the rest of his friends too, they deserve to know. But now is too soon and he's not sure how to drop the bomb on them yet.

ℙ𝕃𝔸𝕐 𝔽𝕆ℝ 𝕃𝔸𝕌𝔾ℍ𝕊 ✔ ¨°ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ°¨Where stories live. Discover now