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Dirty Thirty!


My turn

Warm water drops hit Minho in the eye when he tries to look up and passed the throbbing erection to catch a glimpse of Hyunjin's face. An eye drifts shut when feeling the burn of one precise droplet.

Hyunjin stretches his arm, palm against the cold tile. His upper body arches like one big umbrella, shielding Minho from any more pestering water. The brunet follows the fine curve of the other's torso and stops by the artist's face, angled down to see everything what Minho is about to do.

The dancer admires the blond strands curtaining Hyunjin's face, now a darker shade because of the pouring water. And Minho has to admit he's not only fixated on Hyunjin's face because of its beauty-he's a little nervous. He doesn't want to show, not after the amazing handwork the artist gave him. So his hands mirror the other, traveling over the well-shaped thighs to the hips, steadying himself when he crawls in a little closer.

Plump parted lips, choppy breaths, a heaving chest, abs one, two, three.. Minho's eyes wander all the way down to the heavy cock asking-begging-for the center of attention.

The brunet's own breathing hitches. Seeing it so up close is making him aroused all over again. The pink, swollen tip sways a little, then jerks up, like he's noticing the attention.

Okay, Minho, you can do this.

He softens his lips and sucks on the tip, flicking his tongue back and forth. Eyes lock onto Hyunjin, wanting to see what it does to him. The warmth of his browns bound to explode is making Minho al tingly inside.

As he shifts on his knees he lets his eyes drift shut and gives himself over the heady taste of the blond on his tongue, the sensation of the silky soft tip sliding between his lips. His tongue flattens around the base, lapping over a buzzing vein.

"Jesus," Hyunjin swears, restraining himself from bucking his hips. The warm glove of Minho's wet mouth let his thoughts spiral down in to the gutter. A friend. No not friend. Someone I really like? No, that's even weirder.. Words diluted by water and heavy steam, wash down to his shaky feet. "That feels amazing."

A tiny smile stamps on the base of Hyunjin's cock when Minho gives it butterfly kisses, loving the praise he's getting. It boosts his confident and grabs the heavy erection just below the tip between his thumb and pointer finger and holds it up so he can drag his tongue over the hot flesh underneath.

Time is doing this weird thing. It feels like they are forever in the steamy shower and at the same time it's like Hyunjin only lasts a few seconds. Three fist-strokes. Two rundowns of tongue going from his balls to his tip and back down again. And those fully emerged wet heat's. The moment his dick disappears behind the cutest lips, he can feel the bubbles rise.

"Gonna come." Hyunjin barely gets those words out when all these tiny, prickly bubbles gather below his spine. He sucks in his breath, fingers tangle in the wet brown hair and forces Minho's to let go of him. With a wet pop, his dick springs free from the dancer's pink lips and instantly white ropes of cum spurt out. The artist paints on Minho's firm chest, but the art washes away with the stream of water still crashing down on their heads.

Like nothing happened, the evidence is now down the drain. But Hyunjin's hooded eyes looking down and Minho's watery looking up, their heavy breathing-the blond's a little more erratic than te brunet's-they tell the story. They both know the stepped over yet another line that marks their relationship, farther away from the friends they were.

ℙ𝕃𝔸𝕐 𝔽𝕆ℝ 𝕃𝔸𝕌𝔾ℍ𝕊 ✔ ¨°ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ°¨Where stories live. Discover now