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A carry-on suitcase rolls in to Minho's bedroom. They decided it is best to let Hyunjin stay at the dancer's place-as long as needed. And feeling the immediate welcoming warmth this room is giving the blond, tells him it is a good decision.

He heaves a heavy sigh and lets go of the telescopic handle. Hyunjin takes in the dancer's room. The shut navy blue curtains sway softly in front of the ajar window. His bed with smoke grey bedding is neatly made, with white pillows on top. On his left bedside table lays his black rimmed glasses he mostly uses when it's late and he's tired.

He hears footsteps entering the bedroom, stopping him from assessing the space, and turns. A small smile tugs on the brunet's mouth when they lock eyes. The tiniest things Minho does makes Hyunjin's heart gallop wildly. He tries to ease it with the release of a choppy breath, wondering if the dancer can hear the pulsing beat under his chest.

"Do you want to take a shower? I'll make something light to eat before we go to bed. All these emotions got me hungry." Minho rubs over his bare arm. His body languages shows that he's still affected by everything. The small smile on his lips fade, eyes darting to the wall behind Hyunjin, and his shoulders a little slumped. It lets Hyunjin's heart thunder for a whole other reason now.

"Oh yes, I love snacks," he confesses, smiling, trying to shove away the painful memories into the shadows of this room.

The word love lights up Minho's eyes. His body gets flooded by a comfortable warmth and nods. "Alright, take your time." He closes the bedroom door behind him with a soft click, leaving Hyunjin behind with an uneasy feeling. After the so many love you's Minho confessed to him, he hasn't returned those weighted words. Yet. Hyunjin's feelings are clear, but the little show they have given in front of their friends made him choke.

His deep thoughts follows him into the shower. No hot water, thick steam or the cold tiles pressed against his forehead can help him to get rid of the spiraling thoughts. They are glued to him when he gets back in to the bedroom to change in something comfortabel. And when he sees Minho plating their food, he breaks.

The dancer lets the chopsticks clatter on the plate when he hears Hyunjin sob behind him. He turns around, wide eyed, and witness something he hopes never to see ever again. Hyunjin almost drowns in his oversized sweater and sweatpants. Shoulders slumped, shocking along with his sobs. Head bowed and his face buried in his palms.

"What's wrong?" The brunet tries to mend the artist back together, his arms wrapping around the shaking frame. Minho hugs the blond with all his strength, keeping himself composed with all he's got. If he breaks in to tears now, he'll be of no help to the other.

He ushers Hyunjin to the couch, leaving the food on the kitchen counter. The artist's face remains hidden behind his hands, sniffing. The big tears are gone so Minho peels the fingers from Hyunjin's face to look at him.

"Hey you," he says. Hyunjin keeps his nose pointed to his hands, now restless on his lap, so Minho dips his head to let their eyes meet. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?"

The artist pulls up his pinkish nose and gathers his courage to look back at the awaiting eyes. Bloodshot eyes wander over the questioning face of the brunet. It almost wants to make him cry all over again.

"I'm so stupid," he mumbles through a sigh. Hyunjin tumbles with his thumbs, eyes already adverted.

"And why do you think that?"

"Because I'm naive and foolish to think it was okay to have dinner with the man." The man already turned into the name that can't be said, and Minho didn't blame him. Thinking his name out loud was already giving him a bad taste in his mouth. "You already called out his intentions by only looking at the painting.."

ℙ𝕃𝔸𝕐 𝔽𝕆ℝ 𝕃𝔸𝕌𝔾ℍ𝕊 ✔ ¨°ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ°¨Where stories live. Discover now