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Except for the red glow coming from the alarm clock, stating it was almost five in the morning, the bedroom was pitch black. The room was filled with soft laughs and snickering coming from beneath the sheets. There was some shifting and then a burst of laughing.

"Hyung!" Hyunjin called out his friend for the zillionth time. "S-stop that! You know that's my weak spot.."

"That's all the reason why." Fingers disappeared into the side from the blond without any reluctance, digging deeper between the ribs where they knew they get the hardest squeal.

"Okay! OKAY!" came out breathlessly, "YOU WIN! Now cut it out."

The male with the damp brown hair, this time from the shower and not sweat, had a boyish grin on his lips. His face was colored in a blue hue coming from the mobile screen, the only light sitting between them.

The other sighed out of relieve to be able to breath again and needed a little more time to get his heart rate back to normal. In the meantime doing so, he took his sweet time taking in the face of his friend.

Minho had this blueish glimmer in his eyes, narrowed in mischief, and kept them hooked on the other. The corner of his lip twitched upward and wrinkled his nose because of a soft sniff.

"How's your hand?" Hyunjin asked when he felt he regained his posture and scootched closer so he could grab the band-aid-hand. His thump rubbed a repeated line where he knew the cut sat.

"It's fine, I had a very good looking blond nurse who patched me up." The thump pressed into the wound. "Au! Hey! That's a compliment, why are you taking it out on me??" Minho hissed, retrieving his hand and hid it between his thighs. His knees were pulled up while laying on his left side; his absolute favorite position to sleep in. He was only missing the pillow between his legs, but for now his hands were second best

"Just checking... How did it happen anyway?" Hyunjin mirrored his friend position and pulled his knees as high as possible, resulting that their knees touched. His right arm folded beneath his pillow, the other leaned half on his side so he could draw invisible figures with his finger on the mattress of Minho's bed.

"I—uh, I broke my beer bottle."

"Wait, what?"

"Yeeeah, kinda happened." The brunet's legs trembled.

"I've never seen you so hot tempered. Normally you're more... composed?"

Minho knew exactly what the blond meant. He was not the type to get triggered that easily. He or ignored it, or talked out what was bothering him. Hyunjin was the same in that matter, that was why they had such an easy click as friends. They had their quarrels but they were talked out almost instantly.

"That dude really pushed my limit. I'm sorry, I should have handled that better." His legs turned more fidgety, making the whole bed and cover shake.

Hyunjin pulled the cover better over their heads and lowered Minho's knees so he could scootch even closer. He placed his hands on the trembling knees and forced them to stop and pushed them down, he ate up the last distance between them.

"It's okay.. I'm kind of happy with your interference—even if you could have handled it slightly better. I mean, my cheek still burns. Kudos for having such a good right," Hyunjin now snickered. His arms embraced the brunet and pulled him against his chest. He could feel the warm breaths through the fabric of his shirt. "But I was not aware the man was such a perv and I shouldn't have been drinking as much as I did with someone I didn't know. So in a way, we're both at fault. Let's forget about it and try to sleep. I can hear the birds already..."

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