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A/N: "They see me rolling, they hating.."

I'm on a roll, my sweet babies! Enjoy, vote, comment, do whatever you like <3

A half-hour passed, and the devilish fingers never left Hyunjin's side. He thinks Minho's arm got numb by now, stuck between the blond's back and the couch, but the occasional lazy cirkels drawn on his skin, tell him otherwise. Minho is in a conversation with Chan, something about music, but Hyunjin is too zoned out to follow. He is too aware of how his skin flames under his neighbor's touch. And he's trying the utmost to not let the heat travel up north, affecting his face.

"You good?" Hyunjin wasn't aware the conversation between his friends had died off. Chan took a moment for himself with the laptop, working on something. And now Minho's full attention is back on him, eyeing him from the side.

"I am, but I need to pee." Hyunjin shifts in his seat, trying to shake off the prying hand on him, but the other doesn't seem to bother. "Hyung.." he pleads, giving a glance to his left. He sees the warm smile on Minho's lips, making his heart do all kinds of acrobatic flips. He sucks in his bottom lip, very tempted to kiss the corners of that smile.

"Then go," the dancer whispers, leaning in just a little to let the artist feel the hot breath against the shell of his ear. It triggers the biggest shiver down his spine, letting his chest, shoulders, and head shake rapidly. "Cute," the brunet taunts.

Fuck it.

Hyunjin stands, feeling the hand slide off his side, then ghosts over his ass. He turns his head over the shoulder and sees Minho bending his arm back to his side, where it should have been since he sat down. He grumbles something under his breath and then walks to the small toilet room tugged away in the corner of the hallway. Chan's studio is in the basement, below a restaurant. It has its own doorway, but it definitely shares the same pipes and air faults, smelling the fried food. It always leaves Hyunjin with smelly clothes afterward, which he's not very pleased with, to say it mildly, but he understands the oldest. Seoul is expensive, especially in this area, so even a studio like this costs a fortune. But knowing his friend, he'll rise from the basement, taking each step of stairs with pride, and will end up high looking over the city.

Relieved and with washed hands, he turns back to his friends, but this time sees a different setting. Jisung got off the couch to join Chan at the small desk with the laptop. They are listening to something, the pads of the headphone are bent between them and pressed against their ears. Jisung leans into it, bopping his head on the beat he hears.

Felix scooched closer to Minho, his hand patting the brunet's thigh with excitement, his voice showing the same. The oldest of the two smiles broadly in response then flicks his gaze to the door where Hyunjin is still standing. Felix notices and turns with the brightest smile.

"Jinnie, come! I was telling Minho hyung that he should come with me to the company I danced for today. I told the manager of the singer about Minho, that he helped me out so much with parts of the choreography. He asked more of him, so I showed him a video of hyung in his dance practice studio. He was very interested, to say the least!"

Hyunjin takes a seat next to his bubbly friend, save from the cheeky brunet on the other side of the couch. "That sounds like a really good shot. Did he offer something?"

"He wasn't very explicit, but he is interested. But the board of the company makes the end discissions, obviously. Still, I really have high hopes for it. I mean, Minho is amazing."

"You know, I'm sitting right here," Minho jokes. He leans back, slouches a little, and stares at the popcorn ceiling. "Don't get overly existed. I don't like to see you get hurt when it doesn't go the way we hope for."

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