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It's okay


The cold coat against Minho's warm body leaves a blanket of tiny dots over his skin. It pushes the last of the guilt-ridden and worried thoughts out of him and allows itself to be filled with the affection that Hyunjin admits without question.

Minho is not the one to wear his heart on his sleeve. He is solution oriented, prefers to see things positively rather than negatively and does not want the people he cares about to worry about him. But his uncle took him off guard. There was no time to prepare himself emotionally for what the man has to say, and a hug is all the dancer needs now to seal the crack of troubling emotions with a big bandage.

"Let's go to bed." The soft murmur is spoken against Minho's hair. Hyunjin then gives a quick kiss on it and frees the brunet from his embrace. "I'm taking a quick shower. Go." A gentle nudge and without having uttered a single word, Minho leaves the corridor back to his bedroom.

Back in bed with a new feeling in his body, he pushes one pillow down his legs and holds the other under his head, trapped in both arms. His heart trips over his own heartbeat when he sees Hyunjin walk into his bedroom with nothing more than a fluffy towel tied low around his waist. The blond's lean body is cut with defined abs and a toned chest. When Hyunjin turns to the dresser to get clean underwear, Minho sees water droplets coming from his wet hair stuck against his nape, racing each other down his shoulder blades. The dancer has a hot urge to let his tongue lap the drops back up. He's man handeling the said urge back into the far corner of his mind with a clenched jaw. 

Down boy. He feels his dick getting heavy. The friction of his pillow is not helping him to get his arousal under control. And the attractive as fuck blond walking towards his bed with no clue in the world what is happening to Minho, is definitely not helping him either.

Only cladded in navy blue boxer briefs, Hyunjin jumps on the bed, taking Minho with the motion. A beautiful smile is on Hyunjin's lips. The light from the nightlight next to Minho's side makes the mysterious brown eyes of the artist shine in a warm glow. The radiated warmth seeps through his pores, lighting up his cheeks like a school kid who got caught being naughty behind the school building.

Hyunjin crawls under the covers and scooches immediately towards his favorite human so he can touch skin. He feels the pillow between them, pressing against is own crotch. It reminds him of their first kiss in this bed, in the same position, and looking at each other in almost the same way. This time they know from one and other what they want; so Hyunjin closes the gap between their faces and molds his lips onto Minho's.

The no hesitation of the artist takes Minho a little off guard. He feels the tip of a warm and wet tongue pressing against the seam of his lips, but his brain isn't functioning as fast to act on it. So when the blond takes control by pressing his thumb on one side of his cheek and the other fingers on the other cheek and forcefully pries his mouth open to get wat it wants, it turns Minho's inside into a whole festive.

The dominance that Hyunjin displays with his demanding tongue is something the dancer never knew would turn him on so much. But it does. Very, very much so. And it makes him press his lips deeper into the kiss, lapping and rolling his tongue over the other. His hands skim over the blond's naked torso on their own accord; petting, kneading, scratching, and biting his short nails in the skin on the back.

In this moment their world consists only of them. Their heavy breathing, intertwining moans and sounds of their kisses.

Minho's dick is now painfully hard, pressing against the pillow between them. He unconsciously rubs against it to relieve the tension a little; like a dog humping its favorite plush toy. But he's too dazed, too drunken with Hyunjin's taste and scent to even notice or care.

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