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I'm really nervous, couldn't sleep at all :')

Like every Friday, they go to their favorite spot Chicken&Beer, and tonight isn't any different. They have been doing it for years now, and it feels off not going. So Minho waits outside with his good behavior for his friends to arrive. 

The evening feels nice. It's just-a-jacket-weather, and he's loving it. Spring is his favorite season for that simple reason; he's not cold and he's not sweating.

The dancer has only to wait five minutes for his first friends to arrive. He has been, in the meantime, mindlessly balancing on his heels to his toes and back with his hands in his jeans pockets until Felix comes out of the taxi with Chan right behind him. The youngest takes a few steps at once and stops with a jump in front of Minho. "Hyung!"

"Hey, Lixie." A hand comes out of his pocket to ruffle through the blond hair, he then pats Chan's shoulder. "Did you finish your work last night?"

"I did. I submitted it this morning to a company. So fingers crossed they are interested." Chan adjusts his baseball cap with his familiar dimple smile. The natural black curls curve upward beneath his cap.

"They are deaf if they aren't interested." 

Chan laughs. "Thanks, Min. So where is Hyunjin?"

"Running a little late, but he is on his way." Minho sees Jisung come around the corner with Changbin next to him. They are in a half-fight-half-talk kind of conversation, and the brunet can't keep his corners from curving up. Those two will never change.

"Hey losers!" Jisung high-fives Minho and slaps Chan on the back. "Missed me?" Felix gets approached more civilized with a tame hug and stands next to him. Changbin just nods with a typical smirk.

"I saw you yesterday, so no," Minho says with fake mockery. He swings his shoulder back to dodge a fist and grins at his friend. "New hat?"

"Don't even try, hyung, your fashion is still lacking," Jisung bites back, puffing up his cheeks.

"He has finally someone around who does. Speaking of, where is his Hyunjin?" Changbin asks. As he looks around, he sees Seungmin and Jeongin get off their bus. They hug everyone and close the waiting circle.

"He will be here in a few. Let's get inside and order something, I'm starving," the dancer suggests and lets his friends enter first. Chan comes to stand next to him and swings an arm over his shoulder. 

"I hope these types of nights never end." Minho nods, agreeing, and they go inside too.

At their regular booth, Minho sits near the wall covered in polaroids. He scans them one by one, then lingers on his favorite one where Hyunjin smiles so brightly. The brunet can't wait to make more memories with him, and his friends, and moralize them on this wall. 

"Hey guys, sorry for the wait.." Minho's heart flutters hearing his voice. He turns away from the photos to look at Hyunjin and gets mesmerized all over again. He stares at the blond—well, not blond..

"Whoa, you've changed it again!" Felix claps his hands in excitement. Hyunjin smiles at Felix, running a hand through his newly pink hair.

"It felt right to change." The now pink-haired man twirls a chair to their booth so he can sit down with them.

"No, go sit over there, I'll take the chair." Felix stands up and takes the chair. Changbin scootches to the end so Hyunjin can sit in the middle, next to Minho.

ℙ𝕃𝔸𝕐 𝔽𝕆ℝ 𝕃𝔸𝕌𝔾ℍ𝕊 ✔ ¨°ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ°¨Where stories live. Discover now