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A/N: Okay, so I got a little overboard with this chapter. So for the ones who are not in the mood of graphic sexual descriptions, or don't like it at all, maybe better to skip. Let's say they are very happy :')

You're mine.

Oh. My. God. Hyunjin's pulse goes from average to foaming-rabid-dog in two fucking seconds. When Minho suckles on a spot behind his ear he didn't know was so sensitive, he liquefies in the eldest's hands and beneath the damn skillful mouth and—oh..

That tongue.

The artist is losing it. He writhes beneath the dancer, loving the pressure, warmth, comfort, and security it gives him. His hands lay awkward in a half-raise, not really sure what to do with them, because his brain short circuits when the diabolic tongue laps over the slope of his throat, down into the dip above his clavicle. Minho stays there, giving open-mouth kisses on the soft skin.

"Minho," Hyunjin says breathily. He knows for sure his heart is beating the crap out of the dancer's lips. His skin feels hot, tight, suffocating, and he. Just. Wants. More.

Fingers tangle in gelled hair, making them all sticky. Hyunjin fists a dot of it, forcing Minho to let go of his skin, which will proudly show in the morning daylights its concurred love bites. 

Eyes meet again, hooded—questioning from the brunet's side. Hyunjin tugs a little harder on the entrapped hair, leveling their faces, and captures Minho's lips with a drunken want for that more. A leg snakes over Minho, pushing him off him, and rolls now on top, straddling the other his waist. Hyunjin gives a proud peck on the lips.

"Show me what you got," Minho taunts, luring a side of Hyunjin he didn't know existed. Because the moment the words are out, the blond crashes their lips back together. A hand gropes onto every piece of skin beneath him he can find. The other folds along Minho's jawline; a thumb pressing underneath the eye, and fingers capturing a red ear. Hyunjin dominates the kiss. Nibbling on flesh, and his tongue licking, rolling, flicking.

Beneath him, Hyunjin feels the swelling of Minho's dick pressing against the underside of his hard length, still cladded in his underwear. He rolls his hips over Minho's groin, loving the friction. It inflicts a moan out of the brunet, telling him he loves it as much.

"You make me feel so safe." The hot whisper is hidden behind the blond curtain. Minho freed his hair, letting a hand run through it. Their noses brush, and their dark gaze are linked. Hyunjin never stopped riding on the dancer's lap, too intrigued how Minho's face muscles twitch with each deeper push the artist gives.

"Do whatever you want," Minho breathes heavy. He gives a quick peck and bucks his hips to meet Hyunjin's movement. "I'm all yours."


Heavily kissed lips descent over the chin, toward the throat which arches into the suckling on its Adam's apple. Swirling, the tongue laps over the red stain down to the brunet's collarbone. Hyunjin shimmies off Minho's lap, forcing his legs open so the artist can sit on his knees in between.

"You're beautiful like that—beneath me." Hyunjin peeks up through his lashes as his teeth nip on a brown nipple. Minho whimpers in surprise, lifting his torso up. "They way you react to me." His husky voice sends pleasant shivers down the brunet's spine. Goosebumps follow the wet trail Hyunjin makes to get to the other nipple and give the same treatment.

"That feels amazing," Minho chokes out, unaware that his nipples are so sensitive to touch. Or maybe it's how Hyunjin plays with them, his eyes never leaving Minho's scrunched up face.

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