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"Lix... I'm sorry." The transition tone was gone and he didn't take his time to say hello. "I don't know what got into me...but whatever it was, I shouldn't have thrown it at you. Really sorry." It was quiet on the other side. Hyunjin was still in his art studio and has just thanked his model and wished him goodbye. He was busy cleaning his brushes in the sink with his phone wedged between his ear and shoulder.

"It's okay," a soft voice came from the other end of the line. The artist could hear the pain laced in Felix's words and he pushed his eyebrows down. He really hurt him.

"No it isn't. Let me make it up to you. Anything you want."

"Hyung, I'm okay, really. Just promise me if anything is bothering you, you'll come to me. Okay?"

Hyunjin bit his lip, nibbling on loose skin on his lower lip, making it bleed slightly as he pulled it off. Felix's sweet words only made his guilt bubble up more. But he knew the youngest didn't meant it that way.

"I will... How did the training go? Is Minho still with you?" Hyunjin put the wet brushes on a kitchen towel and patted them dry. He walked through the studio cleaning his mess.

"Training went well, Minho helped me a lot and I feel more confident for the upcoming shoot. And, no, he left a while ago."

The doorbell rang. Hyunjin placed the last stool against the wall and looked up toward the door.

"Sorry, someone's at the door, Lix. Shall we go for coffee sometime soon?" The blond went to the door, wondering who it could be. No one came to his art studio without notice.

"Okay! Talk to you later, Jinnie." He hung up and the phone slid into his pocket. While he opened the door, he removed his hair elastic and ran his hand wildly through his blond hair.

"That's hot." On the other side, to Hyunjin's surprise, stood Minho, looking at the taller male dressed in a white, loose dungarees. The one strap over his shoulder kept the white denim from pooling at Hyunjin's ankles. Decorated with splatters of colorful paint, the artist had turned into its own piece of art. Freckles of pinks and greens dusted Hyunjin's cheeks, and a smear of purple ended up in a blond lock that framed his face. Minho had a hard time looking away.

"What are you doing here?" The surprise has not yet left Hyunjin's body, ringing clearly in his voice. The brunet blinked to regain focus, then he let himself in and kicked off his shoes. He walked through the white space with a cotton tote bag in his hand. He spun on his heels, taking in his friend's various works of art, then stopped when one particular work caught his eye; the artist's last.

Minho placed the bag on a stool and bent, with interest written all over his face, closer to Hyunjin's painting, which still leaned against the easel. He followed the delicate brushstrokes across the canvas. The muscles of the model were precise. The curved line of his torso was elegant, yet powerful. Even the emotion in the man was perfectly portrayed; Minho saw the lust in his eyes. The model wanted more than just modeling.

"What do you think?" it sounded shy, a bit unsure. The blond artist quietly moved behind the older one and studied his work over Minho's shoulder. He was proud of his own work but he valued his friend's opinion. Minho was honest.

"Appreciate the contrast you've put into it." The dancer turned to Hyunjin, straightening his back. "There's something fragile about it because he's naked and he can't hide himself from the viewer. But how you've painted it, it radiates something powerful. I like it."

A relieved sigh came from the blond, unaware he was holding it in the first place. His smile was sweet, pure, and it melted the oldest.  Unconsciously, Minho cupped Hyunjin's face, brushing softly over the colorful specks decorating his face, then pushed his hands together in the hollow of the artist's cheeks, forcing his full lips outward, resembling a fish trying to catch oxygen on dry land.

"Hyung~" Embarrassed, Hyunjin put his hands on Minho's, they linger on top when he caught his friend's eyes. They looked absent, not focused on his, but on his squishy, pink lips. 

"So." The brunet broke free from his stare and let go of Hyunjin's face. The latter felt  the heat burn on his cheeks. He didn't know what to do with this unfamiliar feeling. "How was it? Did he try something on you?"

"What do you mean?" Confusion pulled Hyunjin's eyebrows down. 

"A move. He's clearly interested in you." Minho pointed back at the painting with his thumb, referring to the look in the man's eyes.

"He wanted to have a drink, but haven't replied to it yet," Hyunjin answered truthfully.

"Yet? Do you want to?" The warm brown eyes of the dancer turned a shade darker. Neither of them knew when the space between their bodies turned into nothing and the atmosphere so thick but it did, and they couldn't tear their gaze from each other. One was waiting for an answer. The other was looking for one.

"Uhm, maybe...he seems nice." Even though Hyunjin was taller than the other, he felt intimidated by the energy that the brunet radiated. Maybe it was because of his dancing experience that he could switch persona so well, like a light switch.

It was quiet for a while.

"HYUNG!" Hyunjin burst out laughing. The weird, and especially heavy, energy broke down. Not because of the blond's laugh but because of the brunet who stood on his tiptoes to get on eye level with the other. It had been very hot, especially since there was zero distance between their lips, hadn't Minho pulled a funny face at him out of nowhere; crossed eyed and all, the whole Minho package.

The brunet chuckled, enjoying the heat that washed over his body like a wave, and pinched his friend's cheek. "Have you been feeling a little better since this morning?" A blush appeared on Hyunjin's cheeks, he felt caught. "Spoken to Lixie?"

"Hm-hm, was on the phone with him when you showed up at the door."

"Good. You don't have to feel jealous, you know you're my favorite baby." The pinching fingers that still hang on the other's cheek were now being slapped off. "What? Am I not your favorite hyung?"

"Stop!" The tint on Hyunjin's face darkened. "You are my favorite hyung, satisfied?" The tall boy had to take a step back to catch his breath. He has read so many romantic books with the most detailed scenes but this was what made him uncomfortable. He and Minho have been friends for so long. Constantly teasing each other to provoke a reaction. But when Minho was in this kind of teasing state, Hyunjin didn't know what to do anymore.

"Are you serious? I don't feel like fighting with Bin and Chan, they're always cheating." Minho rubbed the hand that has been knocked away. His friend's rings could be used for combat, he thought. "I will still win, obviously."

Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "Remember me why do you have to fight them?"

"Battle of the Hyungs." Minho received a blow on his arm and a laugh. It was worth a possible red arm. He smiled at the male who smiled back just as broadly.

"So...why are you here again?" The blond looked away at the stool where the tote bag got dumped. But the main reason to averted his attention, was to get his weird heart under control.

"Oh, yes, I washed the clothes I borrowed from you. Thanks again." Minho walked toward the stool to hand over the bag. The clothes were neatly folded with one of Hyunjin's favorite sweets on top. Also typical Minho.

"No problem. Mi casa su casa, you know that. Any plans today?"

"Have a drink with you tonight before that model beats me to it."

Was that jealousy?

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