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They both sat on a bench at the bus stop. The cool wind had helped Minho sober up a bit and he was able to look back at his friend without the spinning sensation in his head.

"You don't have to come with me," he spoke just above a whisper, the tiredness settling in his face. The brunet stifled a yawn. "I don't want you to take another bus to get back home."

There was no response. Minho glanced at his friend through the corner of his eyes and saw the blond male resting the back of his head against the glass screen of the bus shelter, a dreamy expression plastered onto his face. Hyunjin's eyes were closed as he softly hummed a song he heard earlier at the bar. His thoughts had wandered off to his earlier conversation with Minho. He couldn't imagine going third base with someone without having the slightest feeling for them.

Hyunjin was a romantic at heart. Maybe it was because he was an artist, or maybe he was an artist because he was romantic, either way, he couldn't do just sex. He would be terrible at it. Not the sex part but the 'keeping it casual' part. The thought of walking away after the deed sent shivers down his spine. 

His train of thought was abruptly cut off by complete darkness when out of nowhere the hood of his hoodie was hauled over his head and the cords were pulled tight to keep him trapped. There was only a small circle to breathe through, the tip of his nose and strands of blond hair peeking out. He heard a psychotic burst of laughter next to him, muffled by the thick fabric against his ears.

Fingers curled around the small opening, freeing himself, and shoved the hoodie off his head. With wild hair covering half of his vision, he found Minho hopping childishly from one foot to the other with a taunting finger pointing at the artist. It inflicted a gush of air escaping his lips, something that was meant to sound like a laugh, and then he got up so fast that Minho's eyes widened a fraction of a second but then he quickly recovered by running away. Hyunjin cursed at his friend's stamina and good physique. To catch his breath, he put his hands on his knees with a hunched back. 

"You might need to paint and snack a little less and hit the gym a little more." Minho patted Hyunjin's shoulder with a slight mock visible in his voice.

"—Or you just have to be smart." The blond male wrapped his long arms around the other's waist and took him along with him in his spin.

"Ya! Can you please not put the alcohol in my blood through the centrifuge! I'm going to throw up..."

Hyunjin stopped spinning but had no intention of letting go of Minho. The older one in front of him smelled surprisingly good. He rested his chin on the other's shoulder and inhaled with closed eyes.

"..There goes my last bus."

The taller male opened his eyes again and saw the bus pull up. He laughed softly at their stupid action. Minho felt the chuckle against his back and smiled at the feeling it gave him.

"My phone is dead, can you fix a taxi?"

"Forget that, my house is not far from here. Stay the night. It's the weekend, right?" Hyunjin didn't realize he was still clinging to his older friend. The warmth against his stomach felt... nice?

"Sure? Don't you have to go to your studio early in the morning?" The brunet was oblivious to the sudden feeling that surged to his friend's body. He didn't mind the weight that pressed against his back, and how he occasionally felt Hyunjin's nose brush through his hair.

"I'm an artist.. do you think I get up early?" His warm breath reached Minho's smiling cheek.

They both snorted. Hyunjin finally peeled himself off the dancer, and together they walked toward his apartment.

In the kitchen that faced the living room, Hyunjin handed his friend a hangover drink. Minho accepted it with a "thanks" and removed the cap. The brunet glanced through the apartment as he gulped down the drink. It was full of canvases. Hung on the wall, against the wall, on the floor, behind the sofa, and chairs. The room smelled like paint and Hyunjin. His own scent predominates.

"You can take a shower first. You know where everything is, right?" Minho nodded and went straight to the bedroom. It just fitted a double bed and a closet, although the majority lay more on his bed and chair. The male rolled his eyes and opened the closet in search of comfortable clothes. It was not his first time crashing at his friend's place.

In the bathroom, attached to the bedroom, he stripped off his clothes that smelled of beer and cooking oil. He shoved the shower curtain aside to regulate the water temperature. When it was just right, Minho crawled underneath the hot jet.

"Hmm.." The tension in his shoulders relaxed. The muscle aches from all the practicing in the dance school had stiffened his neck. He pushed his thumb into the back of his neck, rolling through the knots. A wince escaped whenever he reached a big one. The steam glued the cold shower curtain to his buttocks, inflicting a shiver over his back and arms, and quickly pushed the wet piece of cloth back into place.

He walked out of the steamy room, clean and fresh, and saw Hyunjin sprawled over his bed. The pile of clothes was gone and the bedroom seemed to have undergone a quick sweep.

"You can go in." Minho flopped onto the bed next to his friend and looked at what he was reading. "Is it good?" Hyunjin lay on his back with a booklet in one hand floating above his head.

"Hm-hm," he mumbled, focused. "Can you turn the page?" Minho scootched closer so he could turn to the next page, then lay down and placed his head against the crook of Hyunjin's neck with his legs hanging over the edge of the bed.

When he was halfway through one page, Minho laughed and said, "Are you seriously reading a romantic novel? Isn't that for lonely housewives?"

"I've been waiting all day to finish this chapter. Shht, I think Sarah is going to get caught."

"Why does she masturbate when she knows the door is open?"

"Maybe she likes the tension? Don't ruin it." Hyunjin's elbow jabbed into Minho's side. The brunet chuckled but secretly wanted to read more and picked up where he left off.

Hyunjin closed the booklet when he reached the new chapter and put it away on his bedside table. Minho was so invested in the story that he got startled by his friend's movement. He never imagined such things to be interesting to read. He was not a prude, he just didn't think words could warm him up. The boy just preferred seeing things live.

The blond was unaware of his warmed-up friend in his bed and walked toward the bathroom. When the door was shut, Minho crawled to the bedside table to get the book. A well-muscled, bare-chested man flaunted the cover. Minho wanted to go back to the chapter where they left off but then caught something far more interesting.

"What is this?" Another book was on the bedside table. This cover featured two men; one hovering over the other. The bottom one grabbed the shirt of the other and they look at each other intensely. The brunet flipped to a random page and began to read. As he dove deeper into the story, red crawled up to the tips of his ears. He has never read such a detailed story about sex, especially not between two men.

"What are you doing?" Startled, Minho threw the juicy book away and punched Hyunjin in the face in the process, who had crawled on the bed behind him. "—Ouch."

"Sorry!" Minho's heart was now pounding in his throat. He felt like a child caught by his parents. His sweaty hands immediately grabbed the face of his blond friend and looked for visible injuries.

"I'm okay. Why are you so fidgety?" Hyunjin's eyes slid to the left where the booklet had been thrown. Minho forced the blond's head back to him.


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