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That Hyunjin is embarrassed is an understatement. After the incident the blonde yeeted himself out of Minho's bed towards the bathroom without giving the brunet the chance to say something about it. Because what is there to say? Except to tease him to death. The last time something like that happened, Hyunjin was in elementary school and he had a crush on the teacher. He had trouble controlling his hormones back then and got hard in class. Under his desk, he tried to adjust himself because it started to get very uncomfortable. But just that one nudge, a little touch, made him come so bad, that he ended up with a cramp in his foot after the toe curling orgasm. The combined pain and pleasure made him want to scream. Instead, the only thing he could do was grab the class it's attention by slamming his fist on his desk.

And now it has happened again after kissing his best friend. Nobody wants to be seen like that, not when its someone you try to impress. Hyunjin wants to impress Minho. Show him his confident side, a sexy side. Not the side of a ten year old snotty kid that comes by only seeing the nipples of his teacher stiffen through her white blouse.

After a foggy shower, Hyunjin sits on the damp dark grey tiles with his head dangling between his legs. Wrapping his arms around his knees, he heaves a deep sigh. The artist really tries to block out his friend's pleading voice, but he is so damn consistent.

"Hyunjin~ah, come out." It is silent for a moment on the other side of the door, then another set of knocks follows. "I've made breakfast. Well, more like late lunch. I know you're hungry. I give you no more than five minutes, or I'll drag you out."

Hyunjin is left alone again, sulking. Why aren't things going his way? Can't the first kiss be the same as the erotic books he reads? Like the scenes between Damian and Tommy. Minho portrayed the sexy ass Damian this morning to a tee. Fuck, Hyunjin was nothing more than melting butter in the oldest hands. But why couldn't Hyunjin act like the Tommy to his Damian? Minho said he thought the blonde character in the novel was cute. And not a child-like cute. Why. Why.... couldn't he control his horny hormones.

"This is ridiculous," the tall blonde murmurs, as he finally decides to retrieve his head from between his legs and scrambles up. "Let's just get it over with." With the biggest dramatic sigh, Hyunjin leaves the bathroom with a towel around his waist. He quickens to the bedroom to change into comfortable sweats and then finally accompanies his friend in the living room.

The said friend sits on the couch, cross legged with a plate on his lap. He's nipping on his milk bread, not paying any attention to the blond, as he knows how uncomfortable the other is. Minho understands the others' view on it; still he doesn't really care that it happened. He thinks it was hot, if he's going to be completely honest with himself. And he feels a little proud. Letting someone come by a kiss and a slight touch, turned Minho on like crazy. He couldn't tell or show Hyunjin that, because the youngest had already fled to the bathroom. But he is kind of thinking of their next private moment together how he can provoke Hyunjin in a good way. It's like pushing secret buttons and see what it does to the blonde.

Hyunjin sits down in a lazy chair across the room. He makes a fortress out of cushions to protect himself from the oldest. He's not ready to bring the topic up—nor will he ever be—but he's been friends with Minho long enough to know that he's not the type to let things unspoken, especially if it bothers someone or himself. And he always starts to ease the air by making food, Hyunjin's favorite food.

"Jinnie.." Oh, here it comes. "I am aware that this is easier for me to say, but don't dwell on what happened too long."

"It is easier for you to say," the blonde mutters, his gaze plastered on his plate. He can feel the heat creep up to his ears and thanks himself internally that he pulled the hood over his head to hide himself better.

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